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"Who're you!? Stop there! Aaaaargggh!!" the vampire yelled in pain as his head hit against a table, which broke with the impact.

"Zhrun, what's going on?" A vampiress appeared, coming down the stairs.

She froze, in shock, when seeing her partner unconscious on the ground, with a broken arm, and blood oozing from several cuts on his face. A blow to her stomach made her react, but it was too late.

Still, even if she had realized that her enemy was approaching wrapped in Darkness, there was little she could have done given the difference in level. What was worse, she was against someone whose combat ability would have surpassed her if they were at the same level, or even below her.

She found herself flying without really knowing how, and she only stopped when her body crashed painfully against a wall. Some Blood Binds immobilized her, though it was unclear if it was even necessary.

Another vampiress had seen what had happened from the top of the stairs. She tried to escape by heading towards the window. It wasn't too hard to guess that she couldn't face her enemy, so the best she could do was try to jump through it, and run away. Unfortunately, all the windows were covered with almost unbreakable adamantine threads, which had been placed before entering.

She was glued to them by Sticky Blood, and only needed to wait for the intruder to deal with her. Meanwhile, a teenage vampire watched the whole scene, impressed.

She walked up the stairs. She knew there were no more enemies, as said teenage vampire had told her. As soon as she arrived, she bit the vampiress, Unsettled her, and left her with almost no mana and energy. After that, Gjaki grabbed her by her hair, and dragged her down the stairs with the others, ready to question them.

Gjaki Adopted the teenage vampire, he was the fifth. They had been captured, converted, and enslaved by some of Krovledi's subordinates, and they had nowhere to go. She sent him to the mansion, under the care and supervision of Diknsa. After the first, there was now someone waiting at the exit of the Gate, to receive them, so they wouldn't feel alone.

Many of the mansion's inhabitants knew what it was like to lose their home, and be kidnapped by vampires. For this reason, they treated those newcomers with special empathy. Whether they would stay there or not, that would be decided in the future. For now, they would give them shelter.

Others had preferred to stay in the city, despite their condition. Although she wasn't sure if it was the best choice, the silver haired vampiress respected their decision. They had the right to make it.

Many hadn't survived. There were even those who had committed suicide after being freed from the force that prevented them, which had horrified Gjaki. She didn't even want to imagine how much they had suffered to make that decision.

For this reason, she had treated the prisoners mercilessly, and executed them after extracting as much information as she could from them. The vampiress was furious, and frustrated that she couldn't do more.

Gjaki had entered the safe houses through different methods. Sometimes, she had posed as one of the slaves, or had gone in with their complicity. Others, she had disguised as one of the vampires. In some, the entrance path had been through a window or even a chimney. In a few, she had simply broken down the main door.

She interrogated all the vampires, while frightening them with her aura and Bloodline, threatening their souls, terrifying them. In that way, the vampiress was getting information about other groups, which helped her to take down more than twenty throughout the city. Not only at night, but especially during the day. Under the sunlight, it would be strange if they weren't all in their hiding places.

It is true that she couldn't locate all the groups. Even at the end, she had found some empty houses. The lack of communication from their allies, together with the perception of their death by their parents, had set off alarm bells. They had fled despite the daylight, and some had paid dearly.

What there was no doubt about was that she had dealt a heavy blow to the entire organization, which would hardly recover. In addition, she had obtained extensive information on the accomplices and their circumstances, and had even released some hostages. There were nobles, merchants, and even commoners that were useful to them.

Her only regret was that she hadn't found Krovledi. Apparently, she had disappeared shortly after Black Wolf's death.

Gjaki didn't act directly against the accomplices. They weren't her direct enemies, although they had allied with those who were. Besides, she didn't have time for everyone, and it was dangerous to act against the nobles.

She let Kroquia and company review the documentation obtained, and then passed it on to Cligajia. What she did with it was her and her allies business, but the vampiress hoped they would take care of their enemies.

She stayed one more day at the embassy, with Kroquia and the rest of her friends. In part, Gjaki wanted to be with them. In part, in case something else came up. There, she was able to learn that Krinia had finally agreed to engage to Krongo and Kruloz, although they hadn't made it public yet. That explained why the three of them had arrived together the first night.

Although that was nothing compared to when she told her adventures, not always with many details. The fact that she had faced a vampiress named Krovledi was perhaps what impressed them the most.

That name had been famous a hundred years ago, and there were still infamous legends about her. That she was alive, and that she had been battered against Gjaki, was hard to believe. However, they had seen her friend fight when she was much weaker, and she had now regained all of her power. They couldn't help but wish they had seen it.

All of them were sorry to say goodbye, but they had a lot of business to attend to, largely because of the chaos caused by the vampiress. On her part, there was something she wanted to check.

Nevertheless, she promised to go see them from time to time. After all, the counts had reserved a room for her to place an Exit Gate. Although it was outside the safety zone, it was only a few minutes away.

They also made her promise that she would invite them to her mansion. They were dying to see it, and now they could travel in comfort. The Gates made it easy, though they might need more than one trip.

The vampiress abandoned Goltrak, having left some hidden Gates around the city, and her friends as Cligajia's contacts. Any problem or information, the demihuman could contact through them. Then, they could call her friend through one of those strange devices called phones. Those artifacts weren't like the ones on Gjaki's homeworld, but they served a similar function. Although they were limited to only talk to her.

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