Black wolf: prologue

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Even now that the servers had been shut down, he was still obsessed with the game. He considered himself the best player with the best character. However, in recent tournaments, he had been defeated by other players, especially one with a female avatar. His rival reacted suspiciously fast to his attacks, or to other players'.

There were all kinds of rumors about how she did it, but he was sure that she was just cheating. Without a doubt, she had some kind of bot, something common in other games, but strangely not confirmed in this one. There were suspicions, but no tangible proof. For him, losing against her was proof enough.

Apart from the game, he used to meet with his two friends. They formed a small gang that was dedicated to bullying and extorting their schoolmates. With this, they got money for tobacco, and sometimes even for drugs. Only occasionally. They "were in control."

The three of them were smoking in a somewhat secluded place, next to an old lighthouse. They were discussing who was the "hottest chick in the neighborhood" when someone appeared by the lighthouse. She was a teenager wearing some peculiar dark clothes.

"Look at that weird bitch. Well, her face is not bad," one of his friends valued.

"She's quite fuckable," another said.

"If I want, I'll hook her up," he showed off.

"Ha, ha. A joint that you won't," the first one challenged him.

"Couldn't the three of us screw her? There's no one else here, it would be fun," the other suggested.

"I'm sure she'd like it. She has a whore face. Let's go together," he proposed, with the idea of intimidating her.

She was staring off into the distance when they got closer. They were trying to imagine her body under those somewhat excessive clothes.

"Oh, look what we have here. She's a bit extravagant, but not bad," he said. He wanted her to hear him.

The girl turned. From her expression, it was clear that the presence of the three teenagers made her uncomfortable. Although she didn't seem scared.

"Hi babe. Do you want to come with us for a drink? We'll have a good time," another of them approached.

"No, thanks," she replied coldly, a bit worried.

"Don't be so distant. Come on, it'll be fun," that friend tried to put his hand on her shoulder, to make physical contact.

However, she scrambled, slammed her leg into his, and knocked him to the ground, while grabbing his arm and pinning him. With her other hand, she was clutching a taser that was inside her bag, ready to pull it out at any moment.

"What do you think you're doing!? Damn bitch! You don't appreciate kindness! It'll have to be the hard way!" he rushed towards her.

As he fell on top of her, she pulled the taser out, thus causing an electrical shock that stunned him. However, he had already slammed into her, and pushed her against the railing.

The deteriorated railing gave way under the blow. Both were dragged, and fell into the void. Without time to react, he noticed that the girl had pushed him away, although that wasn't important anymore. He was falling inexorably towards the rocks on which the waves were breaking.

"I can't die like this. I'm destined to..." he thought, before crashing against the rock.


"What happened? Was it a dream? Have I survived the fall? Where am I?" he wondered.

He had woken up in an unknown and dark place. Nonetheless, he could see, which was very strange, as was the feeling of his body. It wasn't until he sat up and looked at his hands that he realized there was something else.

"What happened to my hands? Why do they have so much hair and are so big? Wait... are they claws? What's this? Do I have a... snout?" he was quite surprised after touching his face

He didn't understand anything, and panicked for a moment. He stood up suddenly, and hit his head against the ceiling. It wasn't very high, and his own height was greater than it used to be.

"Ouch," he complained, hurting. "What's going on? Is it what they call a lucid dream? Shouldn't the pain awaken me?"

The pain passed quickly, although at the time he didn't think about it. Not really knowing what to do or think, he advanced through the dark stone tunnel until reaching the exit. Impatient to see what lay beyond, the change from darkness to daylight dazzled him. It wasn't until his eyes adjusted to the clarity that he could see further. What he found astonished him.

"It can't be. It has to be a dream. I can't be in the game," he told himself.

Yet, it all felt real. He didn't feel sleepy or groggy. He inspected himself.

"It's... me... The me of the game. Ha, ha. That's it. I'm Black Wolf! The strongest! My prize is to return! I've been chosen!" Black Wolf convinced himself.

He soon discovered the game screen, that he was at level one, and that some skills could be cast. His character had no spells, but instead he had more skills and greater physical potential.

In the game, he had surprised and overwhelmed most mages with his speed, though a few had given him trouble. Some had even defeated him, but only using spells that were "unfairly powerful". Of course, he saw all of his characteristics and skills as perfectly fair, like his natural Regeneration.

"Too bad I can't find you again now, I'd give you a good beating," he told himself. He was thinking about the player who had defeated him several times in the past.

He ran down to the pristine but deserted square. He Dashed through the perfectly cut grass, and Shredded a training dummy. After that, a pair of open gloves appeared on his claws, and he continued with the other dummies. He didn't even wonder why this area was deserted, why the trainers weren't even there anymore.

He soon raised to level 2, and gained a couple of skills. Pleased with himself, Black Wolf decided that this place was too boring, and a waste of time. Therefore, he set out to leave the beginner's area, convinced that nothing could overshadow him out there.

His plan was to level up, and maybe take over the world. That was why he had been chosen. That's what he was meant for. All the riches, women and power that this world had to offer were within reach.

Without thinking twice, he crossed the exit, ready to take on the world.

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