Chapter 1

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I'm a rookie here... so please be nice.. :)

P.S. This is my first......

Chapter 1

"Sam, wake up!! Hurry!" as my mom shouted over and over until she entered my bedroom.

"What do you want mom? It's Saturday! Let me sleep." I moaned.

"It's urgent, Sam. You've got mail!" she said excitingly.

"What mail? I'll read it later, mom. I'm really tired."I covered myself under my blanket.

"But Sam, it's from DA!!"

My eyes opened really wide and got up really quick asI heard my mom said "DA", getting the letter from her hand and gently tearing the envelope.

"Oh my god, sweetie. This is it. I'm so excited!" my mom started to tear up. My mom is really an emotional kind of person, so please understand her. "Mom, it's from DA. Oh my god. What if I didn't get in?" I said nervously. "Oh, sweetie, we don't know yet, so think positive." she said cheering me up. I breathed slowly, closing my eyes.

 To tell you the truth, my mom was more nervous than me. I can feel her shaking up a little beside me.

I slowly opened the letter and read it with my eyes only. My eyes just can't stop reading the content until I finished. I looked into my mom, "So what'd say? Did you got in, sweetie?"

Tears started to fall in my cheeks and my mom comforted me with her sweetest embrace, "It's alright Sam, there's still next time. You can apply again." I hugged my mom tightly, crying and whispered in her ear, "mom, I got accepted. I'm going to DA."

I got accepted to DA.. Dream Academy..  I can't stop looking at what was written in the letter: Congratulations Miss Violet Samanta Drew for we are honored to have you as one of our student here in our institution, Dream Academy........

'What? Seriously? Let me see." my mom read it and she can't believed it either and we both started screaming out of happiness and I jumped up and down on my bed with a very big smile. "Yes, I did it!"

"Congratulations dear. I always knew that you can do it!" she gave me a hug again. "Thanks mom. You know, you'll always be my number one fan. Thanks for everything, mom. I love you."

"I love you too, Sam. Now let's go downstairs to eat breakfast." mom said happily.

"Okay, I'll be down there in a minute mom."

"Alright." She kissed my forehead, "Your sister's going to be so proud of you." I just smiled and she went outside my room.

"I know she will, mom." I sighed.

After I checked that mom's already downstairs, I read again and again the letter and sighed, thinking that everything was just a dream. I leaned back at the side of my bed, and saw my sister's photo at my desk. I stood up and walked closer to my desk, holding her picture, "Peny, do you see everything from up there? Do you see how happy mom is that I got accepted to your most favorite school? I hope that you're happy also. Don't worry; I will make you so proud." I cried.

I just can’t hold my emotions whenever I think about my sister. She will always and forever be my best friend. She’s always there for me, to support, to help and she even took good care of me. Since I’m the youngest and we’re all girls in the family, she is our protector. One thing that we’re proud of her was being the most beautiful ballet dancer we had ever seen. And one of her dreams was to get in to DA. Because for her, she believed that her dream of becoming a professional ballerina will start at DA. But she died, eleven years ago before she could enter the school.

Eleven years ago……

Our lives became dark as a tunnel. But the one who suffered a lot was my mother. She didn't speak to anyone, she locked herself up in her room, sometimes she don’t want to eat, in short, she was really hurt because she lost one of her daughter. Worse, she never got to see her daughter lived her dream.

That’s why I decided to enroll in a ballet school when I was eight and applied for DA. It was for my sister. I wanted to continue her dream and make her happy as well as mom. When I started dancing, my mom’s spirit lifted up and started to support me just like how she supported my sister. I practiced so hard until I got a lot of bruises but I didn’t care. My mom became so happy again so I keep going on until now.

I just finished taking a shower, got dressed and fixed my hair. I went downstairs to eat breakfast with my mom. I sat on a chair and started eating. After I finished eating, I told my mom I’ll be going to Macy’s house to hang out with her. She said okay, and I took off.

As I was walking down the street to Macy’s house, I kept on thinking about DA. I kept wondering how my life will turn out in there. Does this school will really turn our dreams to reality?

According to my sister, why she chose Dream Academy, it’s because it is a school that is full of cool, amazing, extraordinary talents. Arts, Music, Dancing, everything is there. She said that it is truly a dream come true for someone who will get that 1% chance of getting accepted out of all thousands of applicants who are dying to enter this prestigious school. Lucky me, I was one of those thousands of people who applied. In two months, I'll be a part of it. I'm so excited and nervous. And I dedicate this to my mom and my sister, Peny.


Thanks for reading. Appreciate it if you comment or give suggestions..

Follow Your Dreams...... ( A SEOHYUN (SNSD) INSPIRED STORY)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon