Chapter 6

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:) I decided to make a POV of Xander. Hope you like it!

Chapter 6



I got awaken by the continuous ringing of my phone. I lazily got up and see who it was. I rubbed my eyes first and then jumped out of bed when I saw "Mom" in the callerID.

"Shit!" I said frantically.

I just noticed that my bandmates, who's also known as my friends, were still sleeping in my room so I quickly woke them up telling them to leave before my mother will kill me if she founds out.

The laziness of my friends made them harder to get up but when I said that my mom is calling me right now, they immediately got out of my room in a flash!

My mom is a nurse actually. These days she's been having night shift duties. And when she's out, my friends always come over to sleep and have fun. My mom technically don't know anything about them sleeping over. She knew my friends, it's just that sometimes, she's getting worried about the people I'm hanging out with because she thinks they're a "Bad influence" to me. But I assured her that they're not that kind of people.

My friends and I started cleaning the mess we did in my room and after that they took off. Probably hanging around at my other friend's house to sleep again. When everything was done and things were back to the place where it belonged, I answered my mother's call.

"Xander, is everything alright?" she asked in a worried voice before I even got to say Hello to her.

"Yeah mom, it's fine," I answered calmly.

"What took you so long to pick up your phone? I got worried and I was palnning to call on the police just to check on you or something..." she just can't stop worrying.

"Mom...Mom... It's okay, no need to call the police. I'm alright. I was asleep to answer quick," I explained just to make her calm down.

"well okay. I'll be home after lunch," then she hunged up.

This happens everytime. Mom calling to checked us out if she's on duty especially at night. I, myself got used to it a lot. Take note, she's still doing this even though we're old enough to have freedom now. She just spoiled us too much since we were young. My older sister just loved it, but I got a little annoyed of it actually. But because of that, we have a better relationship as a family.

I went back to sleep because we did a gig last night and it was hell a lot of fun. We made the crowd go wild! I always love performing especially together with my band, The Crazies. Yep, we called our band The Crazies, because we're just crazies when we're on stage, literally. I'm the lead guitarist and I also do vocals of our band and oh yeah, I'm freakin' good, no, genius, according to some (laugh). And my dream is to be a well-known musician doing my own kind of music. 

I just graduated high school by the way and it's a tradition that everyone in our family must attend and graduate in college. I don't have any arguement about that so I applied in some colleges that have a better quality in teaching music, of course. And out of all the colleges I applied, the only school that stands out is DA. Yup, Dream Academy. It's really hard to believe, I know but I was really satisfied. Even my friends thought I was joking but I wasn't. 

DA has been a great issue lately. I really don't get why a lot of talented persons with such gifted talents wanted to go in this school. I just wondered that, this school can really help us achieved our dreams, well that's what most people think also. But in my case, I will just learn some important things that can help me developed my music and the rest of pursuing my dreams will be up to me.

Follow Your Dreams...... ( A SEOHYUN (SNSD) INSPIRED STORY)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon