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"Oh hi Pepper." Axel said gently, "What are you doing here?" He asked the smiling girl.

"Nothing,just wanted to ask on what class your going next,we had math class just now so what's your next class? We might be in the same class!" She asked, delighted.

( Remember when I said that each class has an alphabetical order? Well yeah each class do have an alphabetical order, well then you might ask about the schedule right? Well after the first class, they head to the next class,which like y'know, switches letters like that, for example: Someone called Sally is finished in there English class and they need to head to the next class. How does that schedule work? Well it's like this )

( Someone named Sally just finished her English class and like she needs to go to the next class, another person named Soni needs to head to the English class, well Sally and Soni switch places and each class the exactl same alphabetical order but with different A-Z people, and you might ask. "What if Two S named people have the schedule?" Simple, there's multiple classrooms of different subjects, yes there enough for everyone.hope that helped:D OK BACK TO THE STORY! and also the classes have like signs like : Math class 1 or English class 8, that's when you know what subject class your in ( remember the numbers are not the grade level, remember when I said there's multiple classrooms of diff subjects? Well those numbers are the one that helps which English or any subject class ya have to go in, again hoped that helped;P )

"Oh I have History class 4" he said softly, "Great! I have that to! Let's go" she said while she began dragging axel to the classroom.

(Btw there's 6 P.E rooms)

While they were heading to class, Peppers name was called. "Pepper! Wait for us!"

A purpled hair figure was running towards them,with a few people behind him, Mazel and Leon were the only ones Axel recognized, but there were 3 people he didn't. One was white haired with a lilac bandana on his head, the other on had full on bright orange hair, and last one had brown fading to blue hair.

"Oh hey guys!" Pepper said cheerily "What are y'all doin here? Especially you G ( G )" she asked,"oh,just wanted to visit yo- who's that?"

( If you guys are wondering why he doesn't know Axel is because he was in a diff class, the G in there class was Ginn )

"Oh this is Axel! Axel say hi!" Pepper said, " hello,its nice to meet you I'm Axel and you are?" Axel introduced himself politely, "Gab,just call me Gab" Gab said coldly.

"What about you 3,what are your names?" Axel asked. "O-oh! I'm Naoki! ( N )" Naoki answered nervously. "Oxel ( O )" The guy with a gradient said calmly, "Xeno! ( X ) White haired replied. "Ah,its very nice to meet you 3, well,I suppose the other two are Mazel and Leon." Axel replied, kindly smiling .

"Hm-hm" Mazel replied. "Sorry guys we gotta go! We're going to be late for History Class 4!" Pepper said quickly before dashing away with axel.

"Mazel,do you know who he is?" Gab asked, he looked jealous, "Mm hes the new student in our class" Mazel replied lazily "To be honest,he's kinda cute" Mazel added,everybody gasped at the sudden words that came out of Mazels Mouth.

"HAH?!" Everyone was gasping, except for Xeno,he was calm as a gentle spring breeze. "Your not kidding,are you?" Oxel asked in disbelief.

"I said what I said" Mazel answered, not giving a flying fuck. Then Leon started laughing "Well,it is obvious,you were drooling over him earlier" Leon laughed,Gab was in disbelief.

"I was just admiring his aura you know, I wasn't drooling over him" Mazel replied annoyed.

"Hey guys? Y'all good?" Leon said while laughing even more "Ugh, we'll be late for class,you dumb assholes,let's go." Mazel said in a monotone voice.

They quickly snapped out of it "YES SIR" they said as they went on seperate directions.


"Whoo! History was such a pain in the ass!" Pepper said tiredly "Language Pepper" Axel said gently, "Hah sorry"
She said while rubbing her head "Hmm,wanna go home to my place?" Axel invited "of course!"
"Pepper!~" A certain someone said, "Gab?" She said, "Wanna hang out tonight?" Gab said, "Sorry Gab, I'm hanging out with Axel tonight!"

"Who is Axel anyway? Is he your ex?" Gab said frustrated. "What? Of course not! He's my big brother!" Pepper said excitedly. Gab was flabbergasted, While N,M,O,X,and L were trying not to laugh.

"I can't hang out with you guys but maybe you can hang out with me and Axel!" She smiled "If he agrees that is, it is his place afterall" she said while having an akward face, "What do you say,big bro?" Pepper asked her brother.

"Of course!" Axel agreed.

( Axel is only 2 months older )

"Really? You agree?" Gab said. " Yes! See you guys later!" He said while waving, going to his next class, "Bye bye big bro!" Pepper exclaimed.

★ After school ★

"Axel was chilling in the his house living room when he heard a gentle knock on the door.

He rushed to the door and immediately opened it, reavealing Pepper and her friends "Good evening! Pleasure for you to come here! Please,come inside"

"Big brother! Can you please make your special ramen!" Pepper asked with puppy eyes.

"Why yes of course dear sister, I will make it right now! Keep the guest entertained while I cook" Axel said while heading to the kitchen.

30 minutes later

"What's that lovely smell?" Leon asked, "Big bros done!"
Soon enough, Axel went out of the kitchen holding a tray of ramen noodles.

"What's that lovely smell?" Leon asked, "Big bros done!" Soon enough, Axel went out of the kitchen holding a tray of ramen noodles

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"OH MY GOD! THIS LOOKS AMAZING!" Leon said as he was drooling, " Please,dig in!" Axel shouted.

After eating bowls of ramen, everyone did the dishes as a thank you and waved the goodbyes.

What a day.

1030 words! Slayy! See you guys soon!Hah!

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