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Rex Lapis has always been an individual full of surprises to the black haired goddess.

Encountering each other before the Archon War had begun, the two shared a relationship that other Celestial beings had questioned.

Was she his weakness?

Was he under her power?

Were they lovers?

But the truth was, the God of Geo had only taken her in as an ally for power. After all, the Goddess of Illusions could hold anyone under her power with just the slightest of contact with her fingers.

Although she lacked in power. She took her position as a goddess lightly and had initially used her powers to suffice her sly personality.

Their first encounter was a story that one of them loved to share, whilst the other was embarrassed.

The God of Geo had entered the Electro user's mountain, awakening her from a nap with the sudden surge of power that had stepped foot in her territory. She teleported herself through trees until she saw a ponytail that went through a hooded cloak.

Black mist had started to surround the God, but within a blink of an eye, he threw his pole-arm with brute strength through a tree, and summoned a Geo pillar, leading to the Goddess falling through her own trees.

Before she felt the ground, she teleported herself behind her attacker, retaliating with her own pole-arm merged with Electro.

Her weapon was swiftly knocked out of her own hands, and she was quickly kicked to the ground. Facing the ground, she slowly raised her head to the direction of her opponent.

"Rex... Lapis..?" She mumbled as he started walking towards her. A sympathetic expression rested on his face as he walked closer, ready to offer his hand as a gesture of apologizing before he offered his contract.

Although, the Goddess had mistakenly interpreted his expression as a sadistic one. She quickly lowered her head once more, bowing to the Geo God.

"Rex Lapis! I sincerely apologize. I-I didn't mean to start anything against you and I, uhm..." She paused, trying to find the right words to use knowing that the higher Gods used "fancy language" as she would say.

"I... I don't know! I'll do anything just don't kill me!" She looked up at him with tears brimming from her eyes. Rex Lapis had seen many faces before one's death, usually full of fear, horror, and regret.

But looking at the Goddess, he couldn't help but laugh at how childish she had looked, begging for her life.

"Laughing at the weak... You really are sadistic!!"

While his laugh came to a halt, his smile stayed on his face. "Sadistic? I've heard many words to describe me before, yet that is a new one. Tell me, where did this new gossip emerge from?"

"Well, first you gave me a weird look when you just kicked me and now you laugh at me pleading for my own life..."

The voice of the God's laugh had filled the empty noise of the mountain once again.

For the God of War, his laugh sure brings a feeling of peace.

She stared at him with awe, finding comfort in his laugh. "My apologies. I didn't mean to bring you the feeling of discomfort. Rather, I come here in offer of a contract." He held out his hand to her.

"A contract?"

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