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That night, she had treated herself to a bath before going to sleep— something she always did for herself after a rough battle.

There is usually no need for Gods to sleep, but she had started to find them rather comforting. A moment of no thoughts, a peaceful rest for her mind.

When she woke up, her mind went to the events of the trios meeting. She quickly went to look for a jewelry box that Rex Lapis had given her years ago. Before he met Guizhong, he would often give Gui Mei the finest jewelry that he would come across.

Though she never had the chance to use them anymore. When Rex Lapis would question her about it, she would only say that her "appearance would bring shame to such beautiful things."

Yet here she was now, gently brushing her own hair, delicately; her hands tense from the foreign feeling of moving gently. She styled her hair carefully, experimenting with different looks, but trying to make it different from Guizhong. She placed different accessories in her hair; purple flowers, a purple butterfly and a black bow.

She was suddenly immersed in creating a new look for herself, searching for a large piece of fabric in her abode. She didn't know if sewing this new outfit was a distraction from the war itself, but shrugged it off thinking Rex Lapis and Guizhong wouldn't notice her absence in today's meeting.

She kept her new outfit simple, only adding a couple of new additions to a bland white. She frowned, thinking she would have to put extra effort in washing her clothes after every fight.

She was used to wearing her old clothes, which had turned into a light pink after each wash. Though she did not mind it, and neither did those around her.

That's what she thought anyways.

Putting on her new clothes, she stared at her reflection. She held a small smile at first, which turned into a sullen one.

(art by @/mlrdjlock on instagram!)

She couldn't describe it, but her mind was hurting in confusion. She almost didn't recognize herself, but then again, who was she really?

Was she the sly Goddess who loved pranking others, the Goddess who kills with bloodlust in her eyes, or this new Goddess that she wanted to gain approval from?

If Guizhong were to see her now, it would have been the most emotions she's seen from her. But Rex Lapis... She wouldn't admit it, but deep down, she was a bit embarrassed. Centuries of fighting alongside the God, she had seen and knew almost every detail about him.

At least, enough to fall for him.

"I've sent a message to her, she should be arriving shortly. I assure that under her care you'll be treated much better than you were before."

"Words cannot explain my gratitude for everything you've done for me, Rex Lapis. I vow to protect Liyue for as long as I live."

"Thank you. Once your wounds are treated and are informed of Liyue's accustoms, you shall be deemed as one of it's adepti."

Before the welcomed guest could reply, a burst of electro emerged from the behind them.

"Ah, sorry I'm late! I was working on something then I got your message that I had to come immediately, and so I thought it would be urgent then I started running and when I was halfway down my mountain I realized I could teleport and so... Here I am."

The three figures in front of the Goddess had the same surprised expression. While they shared the same face, their thoughts opposed each other.

Guizhong showed the most expression on her face out of the three. She had never heard the Goddess of Illusions speak so much, with a much different appearance than usual nonetheless. A part of her felt guilty, thinking their previous conversation with Rex Lapis caused her to change herself.

Although Rex Lapis, felt more relieved. Seeing Gui Mei slightly return to how she was once, brought him a feeling of warmth. He glanced at the hairpieces that adorned her hair, recognizing each one from different occasions that he has gifted them to her.

The third figure, despite not showing it, was the most surprised. Memories of their previous meetings flashed through their minds, almost in sync, as they stared at each other.


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