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Traversing on a mountain of snow, the wind howled as the goddess was pushed by the wind in seek of shelter. Covered in blood, she was weak in returning from a mission.

Anger and jealousy grew in her mind and was perhaps the source of her remaining energy. She pictured Rex Lapis and Guizhong sharing a cup of Osmanthus wine watching the sunset, while she was sent away.

She clenched her teeth and tightened her fists, until the anger had quickly been replaced with sadness, in acceptance that she was no longer Rex Lapis' trusted partner. Falling to her knees, she silently sobbed as her tears fell and merged with the snow.

She let herself collapse on the ground, numb. Using the last bit of her energy, she summoned random sparks of electro in her hand as thoughts continued running through her mind.

If this is where I meet my end, would they even notice my disappearance?

She had countless imaginable answers for all of her thoughts, yet one remained in the back of her mind; and one she wished she hadn't thought of.

Do I regret signing his contract?

She reminisced on their memories together, before Guizhong had come. The thrill of going to battle together, the fear of losing each other, and the happiness of seeing each other at the end of each day.

Rex Lapis had given Gui Mei the privelage of experiencing new emotions.

One of which was falling in love.

Although she would never admit it, even if Guizhong had never appeared. She had been the one who has seen the most emotion come from the God, and not once has she seen any romantic gestures.

At least, not until she came.

Gui Mei thought back once again to the new feelings she gained joining Rex Lapis, and realized until the end that he has introduced another feeling of unrequited love.

She laughed bitterly at the thought and closed her eyes as she got weaker. When her arm dropped, and the last spark of electro had faded her mind had become quiet, with her last thought.

I don't regret it.


Traversing on a mountain of snow, the wind howled as the he was pulled back by the wind in seek of shelter. Covered in blood, he was weak in returning from a mission.

He halted as he gazed upon a lifeless figure in front of him.

He had seen countless bodies, motionless from his actions. Yet the figure in front of him drew his interest.

A familiar aura had surrounded the body. All of the feelings he would try to suppress, he could fell emanating.

Alatus was a walking puppet with no thoughts of his own. His Master told him what to do, what to say and what to feel. Although for the first time in his memories, he had made his own decision and weakly lifted the figure, continuing to walk in the field of white.

Although every corner consisted of the same snowy terrain, his eyes scanned his surroundings to distract himself from thoughts arising in his mind.

A shade of black instantly caught his eye, gaining adrenaline to walk closer to the new sight.


Her eyes snapped open to the familiar howling of the wind accompanied with a faint crunching noise. She observed her surroundings before observing her body. In a cave, she found herself still covered in blood that was slowly fading, turning another one of her bland white outfits pink.

She slowly sat up, quickly realizing how much power had returned to her from a nap. Following the crunching cautiously, she stopped to see a figure facing away from her, eating the snow from the ground.

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