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"Big bro! Big bro! Look over there, what is that?"

"Hey, watch out! It looks like a group of hilichurls... This close to the city?... Stay back Teucer."

The younger of the brothers hid as he put his hands over his ears and closed his eyes, something his older brother had taught him to do when encountering hilichurls.

Before he could even exhale, the ginger had finished "taking care" of the enemies.

He sighed at the sight in front of him, observing an unconscious human body.

"Big bro, who is that...?"

"I'm not sure... Start heading back and tell Tonia to expect company."

Preparing questions on his mind once his guest awakens, he made his way following his younger brother; making sure no harm comes his way.

"Welcome back Teucer! Is Ajax not with you?"

"I'm right here."

"You walked too fast! I couldn't even tell big sis about the guest!"

"Ah, sorry Teucer. But you still beat me home!" He laughed at his younger brother, hoping to cheer him up as well.

"I have some blankets. Um... Do you know who that is..?" Tonia asked his brother who now looked deep in thought analyzing the unconscious person in front of them.

"I don't... But I'll be taking them with me on my trip with me to Liyue."

"Huh!? No fair how come I can't come but you're bringing a stranger!?"

"It's too dangerous Teucer. Plus, I believe that they are from Liyue. How they ended up here I have no clue..."

"Oh, okay... Well then should we head out again? We didn't really go far until we saw her."

He hesitated, the thought of leaving Tonia with a stranger... They were unconscious, but still didn't know how much of a threat they are. At the same time, him and Teucer were supposed to head to the market to help Tonia cook for his family.

"Alright... We'll be home as soon as possible. Be careful, Tonia."

"You two should be more careful! Have a safe trip!... Again!"

When the pair of siblings left, Tonia continued sitting in the room alone with the stranger who was now placed in front of a fire, covered in blankets. She had no clue why her brother brought them home, but neither did he.

She is pretty... Maybe Ajax likes her!? That must be it..! I'll make sure to put in a good word for him when she wakes up, hehe!

To some miracle, the stranger started reacting to the warmth of the fire, fluttering her eyes. As if her body had not been active for years, she shut her eyes once again, not used to the feeling of putting her eyes to work.

Tonia noticed this and quickly ran to her, tucking the blankets more to her body.

"Take it easy big sis! You were in pretty bad condition when you came here..."

"...Big sis?.." Her voice was hoarse, as if she hadn't spoken in years as well.

"Oh!" Tonia quickly ran out of the room and came back with a glass of water, helping the stranger sit up to drink it. "Sorry, it kind of came out of instinct. I have a lot of siblings, so I call everyone in this house big bro or big sis!"

Finishing the glass of water, she gently smiled at the girl in front of her. "I see."

"Wahh! You're so pretty... Oh! That reminds me, one of my older brothers, Ajax, saved you from a group of hilichurls! He should be back soon and I'll make us all a meal!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2022 ⏰

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