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"Huh?" She was snapped out of her thoughts with the God's voice.

"He shall no longer have ties to the name Alatus. He now goes by Xiao." Though his names have been mentioned, he was still at a loss for words looking at the familiar face in the room.

There's no way...

"Nice to meet you again, Xiao."

She's a goddess...

Silence erupted the room as they waited for his response, until realization hit Rex Lapis.

"You two are acquainted?"

"We've crossed paths on a mission before."

Gui Mei was relieved of his silence, hoping to keep the memory of her close death hidden.

"Yes," Xiao finally speaking, Gui Mei smiled. "We are acquainted."

"I see." Rex Lapis quickly fixed his posture, "Could you then introduce him to the other Yakshas?"

"Yakshas?" Her head snapped almost as fast as her response, "...Him?.. But—"

"I am to obey what Rex Lapis wishes, for he has saved my life."

Gui Mei gave him a hesitating look. She had heard stories of other yaksha's who had gone mad. Although, she also understood his feelings after being saved by the God. Of course serving him would be the only way to show gratitude; so with a sigh of understanding she reached her hand out to him.

A wave of deja vu hit them both as Xiao took her hand and they teleported away. As sparks of electro faded, Rex Lapis' eyes gazed at where she stood.


Time had passed since their last encounter. It was now midst of the Archon War, where each battle seemed to have gotten more violent, crueler, and exhausting.

Xiao had now been assigned to be of the Five Yakshas, standing as one of the strongest fighters of Liyue.

Rex Lapis and Guizhong continued to work together, with strength and intelligence covering their weaknesses.

Gui Mei was now rarely seen by those of Liyue. Before Xiao joined the Five, the two would often share a meal of Almond Tofu, letting Gui Mei reminisce her days with who she called, "the old Rex Lapis."

Although as the Archon War became more intense, Xiao's orders from Rex Lapis had ceased their meetings. He did not order them to personally end for he was unaware of their meetings in the first place, but protecting and fighting for Liyue was Xiao's first and foremost priority.

Unbeknownst to then, Gui Mei was not really in hiding. She rested at her old home, her mountain, after each battle. She feared that one day her worst nightmares would come true, and to avoid witnessing them, she hid away.

The image of Xiao falling into madness in front of her haunted her mind. Anger and jealously were still no stranger to her as well, as her feelings for Rex Lapis had not faded. She couldn't even bare to think of their names and "lovers" in the same sentence. Her solution? To run away.

What you can't see can't hurt you right?

Rex Lapis had not even sent her any personal orders or missions, being uninformed of where she was. She continued to fight for Liyue, as he felt her presence in battles alongside him sometimes. Though a part of him feared that she had turned back and is fighting for herself. After all, she is still a Goddess— a powerful one at that. He realized it was possible, as he had not been the best of friends to her for the past century.

Illusions | Xiao x Reader x ZhongliWhere stories live. Discover now