Chapter One

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Chapter One

Anne Shirley walked around her room, taking in the delightful sights outside. She made her way over to the window of the room and propped her chin up on her clenched fist and stared at the Snow Queen, smiling at its beauty.

Anne heard the door to her room creak open as she slowly turned her head to see Marilla Cuthbert, hands professionally in front of her, staring at her.

"Oh, Marilla!" Anne gasped, dramatically putting a hand to her forehead. "The view is just exquisite! If it wasn't, I could of course imagine it to be very beautiful, but I can't imagine what's already there! The Snow Queen is just dreadfully astonishing, Marilla! I just can't explain how beautiful it is. It's wonderful! So, so pretty. Pretty isn't even the right word, it's just dreadfully as pretty as a picture! It's just so prepossessing! I've used all the words I can to describe the view outside my window. I can imagine fairies and little pixies sprinkling dust all over the Smow Queen to make it beautiful. Oh, Marilla, do you ever imagine things like that?"

Marilla huffed a sigh of annoyance at Anne's over-active imagination.

"No, I don't believe in imagining that nonsense," stated Marilla sharply. "Now, hold your tongue and go to bed."

"Alright, Marilla," Anne continued, having a hard time holding her tongue. "I'll try to hold my tongue. There's just so many things to say; and yet, I haven't said them! I know you'd get annoyed by all my said-to-be nonsense, but I don't believe it's nonsense. It's just having an imagination, you see. Oh, Marilla! I just forgot to mention! Isn't my first day of school tomorrow? Yes, I believe it is. I

walk to school with Diana, correct? It will be just splendid."

Marilla paid zero attention to Anne's talking and stepped out of the room, swiftly closing the door. She walked past Matthew as Matthew just looked at Anne's bedroom door, striking up a smile on his bearded face.

"Child, would you quit staring out the window? It's time to go," Marilla dryly stated, as Anne turned to Marilla with a look that said she had been daydreaming.

"I'm terribly sorry, Marilla! I just got into one of my daydreams, I suppose. Lovers' Lane is a very splendid place for romantics to fall in love, isn't it, Marilla? I imagined a girl named Cordelia and a boy named Sebastian falling in love in Lovers' Lane. Sebastian is such a handsome name, don't you agree? Oh, I think Diana is here!"

Anne hurriedly rushed out the door as Marilla shook her head, drying the dishes. "That child has such an imagination, it's nonsense."

Anne ran to Diana with a smile plastered on her face. Her red braids flapped against her shoulders as she reached Diana Barry.

"Oh, Diana! Isn't it a splendid day? I was talking to Marilla about Lovers' Lane. I was in one of my daydreams and I dreamt of two romantics, Sebastian and Cordelia falling in love there. Oh, isn't that romantic? Such romantic names, don't you think?" Anne inquired, starting to walk with Diana.

"It does sound romantic," replied Diana with a smile upon her face. "It is a splendid day; the sun looks very beautiful."

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