Shopping and Surprises

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I was bored. Raph was training, Donatello was in his lab, Michelangelo was painting, and Leonardo was meditating. Just as I was about to take a nap, April burst into the lair, grabbed my arm, and yelled: "Hey guys, I'm taking Zero out for a bit, see you later, bye!" She exclaimed, dragging me out into the sunlight.

"Um... where are we going?" I asked asked April as she led me down busy streets. "Shopping!" She exclaimed. "Why?" I asked. "You only have one shirt, and no pants, Zero. You need more clothes." She replied, dragging me into a large, bustling building. "What kind of clothes do you want?" She asked. "I don't know, I've never had clothes."

"Well," April said, taking hangars, "go try these on!" She said, stuffing them, and me, into a mirrored room. (Vote on your favorite outfit.)


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"These are all very comfy

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"These are all very comfy." I said, nuzzling into the soft fabrics. "We'll get them all." She said, taking them. "Okay, now we need to check the bedding area." April said, dragging me along. "Pick out a blanket." She said, letting me loose. I walked around for a minute before seeing a giant fluffy mass. I flopped down on it face first and lay there for three heartbeats. "This one." I said, bringing it to April.

We went back to the lair after a couple hours of shopping, and April asked me to set the bags down and covered my eyes

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We went back to the lair after a couple hours of shopping, and April asked me to set the bags down and covered my eyes. She led me around and I heard the humming thoughts of the turtles. "Okay, tell us what you think." April said, uncovering my eyes. It was a room I hadn't seen before. I saw my amniotic pod on its side, attached to the wall with the door off, an April put my plush blanket in it. A little alcove had hangars for my clothes, and there was a bookshelf made of apple crates, with a few books in it already, and a mirror. Hanging beside the door was a corkboard and tacks prepared for me to put up pictures and notes. There was even a pastel rainbow rug.

"I- what? Why?" I asked, surprised. "We figured sleeping on the couch must be uncomfortable. Sorry it's a bit small." Donatello said. "This is awesome!" I exclaimed, smiling and climbing into the pod, effectively burying myself in the blanket. Due to the irregular shape, the bottom was coated with pillows and plush items. I loved it so much already.

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