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Note: This takes place a few months after Zero lost her sight. They are all unmarried teenagers in this chapter. I know I'm all over the place with the timeline, but I drew a picture of Zero and I want to add context to it.

I was sitting on a rooftop, waiting for Raph and his brothers to come back from a mission when I heard something metallic clatter. There was static, and the sound of a human, but I didn't hear any thoughts.
"Listen up, Girlie. We've got the weird turtle... alien... things! And we have footage of you using your weird abilities to destroy the robot-things that defend us!" Okay, this weird man has no idea what he's talking about?

"Where. Are. They?" I asked, listening to what I assumed was a phone call or something.
"We won't give them up that easy! But, we'll let them live if you surrender yourself to us!" The man said, and then I heard Mikey.

"ZEEERRROOOO! DUDE, WE'RE ON A BOAT! BIG BOA-" There was a thud, and Mikey grunted as the human yelled to shut up. I felt around, finding the phone.
"If I find them, if I find you, I will obliterate you naive fools." I held the phone close to my face before breaking it, the metal, plastic and glass twisting in my fist before I dropped it. "A boat...." I teleported to the ocean, casting my telekinetic abilities as far as I could. In the far, far corner of my mind, I connected with something. Donnie's thoughts were always the loudest, going a mile a minute. I teleported, floating above the boat.

Normally, I'd teleport in, grab the turtles, and teleport out, but these ones caught me on a bad day. The wind whistled past me as I lowered myself down, ending on the cold, damp deck.
"FIRE AT THE DEMON!" My shoulder jolted, a sting spreading over my arm. A bullet fell onto the deck, but I stood unharmed. I heard panic, and they all opened fire. I huffed and swiped my hair back. I tilted my head, listening. The one giving orders was twenty feet away, to my left. I dug my feet into the ground, cracking the wood, and ran.

The man shrieked and tried to run, but I grabbed the back of his shirt, raised my hand, drove my hand down. His head burst, warm blood and brain matter splattered across my face, dripping onto the ground. The bullets riddled my back, and I dropped what remained of the body.

It was a massacre. Once the people figured out they couldn't kill me with their mundane weapons, they scattered. I ran faster, though. Bones broke, skulls smashed, and hearts got crushed by my hands. 1 death, 2 deaths, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40.


~Raph p.o.v~

"Zero!" I called, seeing the girl in the doorway. She was coated in blood and gore, and the nonchalant way she looked at us made a shiver run up my spine.

Zero tore open the door, and we stepped out into the hall. Blood and guts covered the floor and walls, dripping from the ceiling. Torn off limbs heads, eyes, and brains laid on the floor. Mikey fainted.

Zero walked on the bodies, leaving tiny, bloody footprints on the wood. She walked into the shadow, turning towards us when she didn't hear us follow. Her eyes glowed the color of mutagen in the dark.

 Her eyes glowed the color of mutagen in the dark

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