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This chaper,takes place just before Zero has Nixie, as in very pregnant Zero.

Being pregnant was weird. Every morning I woke up and take a minute wondering why my stomach was so heavy before I remember.

Raph's been more active on the streets too, saying he nedded to make them safe for our baby, but I don't think I was making it very easy.

End of first trimester:

I felt my stomach and thighs, a layer of fat stretching over both.
"Hey, Raphie, do I look fat?" I asked since I couldn't see myself.
"What? No! Did someone tell you that lie? I swear, I'll-"
"Nobody said that Raph, but I'm eating more and I can feel my body expanding." I said, rubbing my stomach.
"You're eating more because it takes a lot of energy to grow new life inside you, and your stomach is growing so the baby fits inside." He said, hugging me from behind.

Four months in:

"Hey, babe, how long until we know the gender?" Raph asked, laying his head on my stomach.
"Donnie will be able to tell in another month via ultrasound, Raph." I said, leaning back on the pillow.
"Ugh, why do we have to wait that long?" Raph asked.
"Because you aren't an empath, dear." I replied.
"What does that mean?" He asked.
"I already know what we'll have, hon." I said, smirking.
"Tell me!"

Eight months:

It was midnight. I couldn't sleep. The baby was hungry and kept kicking me. Hard.
"Raph." I whispered, shaking his shoulder.
"Whuzzah?" He asked, half asleep.
"The baby wants candy." I mumbled.
"Good for the baby." He mumbled, turning over.

I groaned softly and teleported topside. I went into a gas station and started pulling candy off the shelves.
"Is this all miss?" The cashier asked me.
"Yeah... cravings and all-" A chill ran up my spine and I looked through the cashiers eyes to see the door burst open and familiar men came in with a shotgun.


Dammit, we've spent years trying to stamp out the survivors and these fuckers shows up on my chocolate run?!

I dove into an empty aisle and teleported to the back room. Ever since I started showing, my powers have gone screwy, so all I could safely do was teleport. I fumbled for my T-phone and tried calling Raph.

"Wha? Zero, where're ya?" Raph asked over the phone.
"The seven eleven off of main, it's being robbed by a Kraang!" I hissed into the phone.
"What? Shit- okay, stay calm, I'll be there soon. Stay on the phone, okay?"
"Okay." Just then I got a hard kick and groaned in quiet agony. "Hurry, I think the baby's more scared than I a-aam! Agh!" Water gushed out onto the floor and my heart sank.
"Are you okay? We're almost there, okay?" Raph said over the line.
"Raph, the baby!" I cried, clutching my stomach.
"What? What about her, are you both okay?"
"She's coming Raph!"

I was still hiding in the storeroom. I heard fighting outside, but I bit down onto a cloth as Donnie helped me through an impromptu labor.

The door burst open and a Kraang came in, pointing his weapon at Donnie.
"NO!" I yelled, and a wave of energy vaporized the Kraang bot. That... wasn't me.

Mt train of thought was disturbed as another contraction hit me hard, and I cried out as I pushed.
"Breathe, Zero! Just breathe and push!" Donnie said.
At the same, time I heard a baby wail, and Donnie used a water bottle to clean off the baby.

I held her in my arms as the noise of fighting died down and Raph rushed in, looking frazzled as his other rwo brothers followed. He dropped down beside me, silent, with tears in his eyes.

Before either of us could speak, a pink blob like chewed gum came in. All eyes were on me, so only I saw, but my throat was to hoarse to say anything.

The pink blob lunged to my baby, but before anybody could react, the baby saw the ugly thing.

Do you happen to know what a baby does when frightened?

She wails.

The noise was high and deafening, it flying off shelves as shockwaves resounded on the walls. The Kraang blood stopped and screeched, exploding into a pink puddle like a gross paint balloon.

My baby had powers.

Of course my baby has powers.

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