Day 9: Shatter

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Unus looked at his broken hands that were held out in front of him, a look of rising panic on his face.

'Unus? It'll be ok; they still remember so it can be revers-'

'SHUT UP! IT'S NOT OK!' Unus suddenly screeched at Annus, turning towards him angrily. The second he finished his sentence and saw his friend flinch, a wave of regret and guilt washed over him.

'I...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled' Unus said quietly, slowly sinking down to his knees, 'it's's just that it's been two years...and their vague memories of us have not fixed anything' he said, his voice slowly shaking. Annus blinked then relaxed before approaching his friend, sympathetic. He then knelt down in front of Unus and pulled him into a tight hug.

Unus and Annus were surprised they hadn't noticed the change sooner, but Unus had spotted it first. Their hands had started to crack, like broken marble. At first, they hadn't been too worried but, as time had gone on, the cracks had gotten worse until, one day, one of Unus' hands just completely shattered into a thousand pieces. Unus had screamed as Annus could only look shocked at his non-bleeding wrist stump then look at his screaming friend blankly. They both knew what this meant.

Unus and Annus were breaking apart, slowly disappearing into dust after the channel was deleted two years ago.

As Annus hugged him, Unus closed his eyes and let his emotions out. He clung onto Annus as he wailed and cried hysterically while Annus silently comforted him.

While Annus had been optimistic, Unus knew better; the community had once been huge but even he knew that not many people remembered them now, which had led to this.

'hey hey, look at me' Annus eventually muttered quietly. Unus sniffled and slowly looked up at his friend, his black eyes watery, with tears trickling down his face. Annus sighed quietly.

'We're going to be ok' he said sincerely, but Unus noticed there was a hint of worry in his eyes. He then blinked and realized: Annus had been optimistic for the sake of his sanity.

But he was thinking the same thing: they were disappearing, slowly but surely and there was no help coming.

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