Day 14 + 15: Yellow & Plant

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Henrik von Schneeplestein had been doing the gardening when he had noticed yet another Sunflower had been bitten from its stalk and lay flat on the ground. Rolling his eyes, he sighed and picked up the flower head, looking at it with sorrow.

'Ohh, I just planted zhis yesterday...' He muttered to himself, then blinked as he heard angry hissing. He warily turned his head but blinked as he saw Antisepticeye.

'Oh...hello Anti. Did you vant to help with ze...' he started to ask, but then his voice trailed off as he made a slow realization. He looked at the yellow flower, then to Anti. Then glared and held the flower up.

'DID YOU DO ZHIS?!' Henrik yelled.

Anti was still hissing and glaring at the flower until the doctor asked the question. He then quietened, but still glared, not taking his eyes off the plant.

'I hate it! It's too bright and it hurts my eyes!' the glitch demon growled.

Henrik frowned, then sighed, his gardening forgotten about.

'Vell...what would you plant instead?' he asked patiently.

Anti blinked, realizing that Henrik was curious for answer, and smiled proudly as he took a packet of seeds out of his pocket and handed them to the doctor. Henrik eyed him suspiciously but then, to Anti's surprise, smiled softly as he saw what the seeds were.

'Ah, black roses? Hmm...zhis could work actually. It would be a nice contrast to all ze colour ze garden has' he says happily, smiling at the surprised glitch. The doctor then looked thoughtful as he looked round; the empty patch of soil he was working on was going to be a Lavender patch, but there was an empty slot at the back of the garden.

'Vell, we could plant zhem next to ze white roses?' he suggested, and Anti smiled softly and nodded.

''re ok with it?' Anti asked warily.

Henrik chuckled, 'of course. Just...' he frowned, 'you have never planted anything before so let me show you ho-VAIT!' he started to say, but yelped, surprised, as Anti squealed happily and practically galloped to the back of the garden and started digging up the soil with his claws. Henrik huffed as he got up to run after the glitch; some of the time Anti was calm but, most of the time, it was like having a chaotic gremlin in the house.

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