Day 19: Wings

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Chase wasn't sure how long he'd been in these never-ending woods, but it was dark when he had heard a twig snap near him. He had turned his head to the side, wary, and called out.

'Hello? Anyone there?' He'd yelled. No response, except for another snap...then rustling of fallen leaves. Chase's stomach dropped; someone or something was nearing. He started walking away, heading towards the clearing; the woods opened out onto a cliff face, and he knew he'd be safe there.

Or, at least, he thought so.

As he walked, he could hear the rustling keeping pace with him, still sounding close. He quickened his pace, and the noise did too. Now scared, he full on ran through the unknown woods. He wasn't sure how he'd even gotten here; he'd woken up one morning and realized he was no longer in the comfort of his bed.

Widening his eyes, he turned his head to the right and nearly screamed: a blackened figure with huge dragon-like wings was running after him. The figure had no visible features, aside from its glowing green eyes and a wide smile that shone through the blackness. It turned to look at Chase then suddenly dived for him. Chase screamed and leaped out of the way, letting the figure crash to the ground. Breathing quickly, Chase scrambled to get up before bolting for the cliff. He knew it was close...he could see it.

As the trees parted and he saw the bright sky, he heard a horrific screech behind him. However, he chose to ignore it, now determined. He could reach it and he did. Without hesitation, he then leapt off the cliff...

And grey angel wings sprouted from his back, ripping through the back of his T-shirt, and catching him just after he left the ground. He yelped as he lurched upwards then zoomed up into the clouds, hoping to lose the creature. The screeching was now distant and, as he reached the fogginess of the clouds, he breathed a sigh of relief. He was safe. He just needed to stay above the clouds and fly towards home, wherever that is. He slowly realized, with a sinking feeling, that he didn't know which direction home was.

As worry started to consume him, that horrible screech suddenly erupted below him. He didn't even get a chance to look at the source of the noise before the strange figure smacked into him.

Chase screamed as his attacker flew through his wing, tearing a piece off like paper. Small trickles of blood rained down from the wound, and Chase tried to hide his tears as he hoped to regain control of his flying. But the strength of his one good wing was not enough to elevate him anymore, and he immediately started plummeting back down towards the lower parts of the woods.

The figure smiled gleefully as he watched his victim fall before swooping after him. It delightfully followed as he watched Chase crash through the branches of the trees, before landing on top of his torso.

Chase let out a scream but couldn't move; he had hit every branch and thorn on the way down and that, as well as the landing, made him very weak. His entire body ached, and he felt exhausted. He looked at the figure and its wide smile with horror.

'Please...what do you want?' he managed to beg quietly before coughing, which emphasised the pain.

The attacker blinked then just giggled, before pressing its clawed foot down on Chase's chest. Chase widened his eyes and tried to scream, but nothing was coming out. The figure's foot was continuing to press down and Chase felt the air being sucked out of his lungs swiftly. And then, with a final ounce of pressure, the figure deepened its hold once more, and heard a loud snap. The blackened figure screeched then giggled, delighted, as it felt Chase's ribcage cave in, letting him go limp suddenly, his eyes forever frozen in horror.

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