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I pull on some leggings, plain t-shirt, and a hoodie before slipping into my sneakers. I tighten the elastic around my ponytail before heading towards the kitchen.

I hop onto the bar stool beside Diego making him look down at me.

"Where are you headed this early?" he asks with one eyebrow raised.

"I'm going to train with Lorenzo, want to join?" I ask.

His cheeks and the tips of his ears redden at the mention of Lorenzo.

"Do we like this Lorenzo?" I ask, wiggling my eye brows.

"Fuck no!" He says waving me off.

He's a shit liar.

"Then you should have no problem coming with! Plus, you specialize in knives as well right?" I say getting up.

I take Diego's hand and begin dragging him down towards the training room.

I hear loud thwacks as I turn the corner to see Lorenzo in some black sweats, throwing knives at a mannequin.

As if he can sense our presence, Lorenzo turns to me and I can't tell if he's just red because he's working out, or because of Diego beside me.

But I'm going to say a little bit of both.

" Diego." Lorenzo nods.

" Lorenzo."

" The tension." I say with a laugh.

I look over to my right to see Mateo and Ares working out a few feet away from us. Ares is flipping a huge tire and wears nothing but a pair of Nike shorts.

"You're blushing." Lorenzo whispers.

I whip my head around and glare at him before clearing my throat.

"Let's do this." I say gesturing towards the knives.

Lorenzo begins teaching me a basic stance to start with and once I've got that down pat, he gives me a knife to hold. He doesn't push me to use it just yet, he just wants me to get use to it.

Diego drags a different mannequin out and places him a few feet away from us. Lorenzo instructs me of what to do once more, and the rest is up to me. I look at the slick knife in my hand and then I look at my target.

There's a bit of awkward tension that's definitely coming from me, so I tell myself to think of someone who'd want to hurt me.


Images of Pete invade my mind and I take a look at the mannequin and see him instead. With a deep breath, I swiftly throw the knife and keep my eyes open at all times. The blade flies through the air before piercing the mannequins heart.

My wide eyes meets Lorenzo's.

"This is your first time?" Lorenzo questions.

I nod my head silently as I look at him and Diego who looks proud.

"Again." Lorenzo says handing a knife to me.

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