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Oh , and Bianca.

She's wrapped around Ares like he will disappear any second. She looks at me with disgust, which makes me roll my eyes.

Ares peels her off much to Biancas dislike and heads towards Mateo and I.

" Le han disparado. " Mateo says looking down at his ruined sneakers.

Ares stops in his tracks before looking at me with wide eyes.

" WHAT? " Ares and Diego shout.

They both hurriedly walk towards me before carefully unveiling my hoodie and Diego's eyes widen at my shoulder and arm.

Ares grabs my other hand before leading me away from everyone. He says nothing as we weave our way through the house and soon we enter a different part of the house I haven't been to.

I assume this is the infirmary here by the smell of sterilization and I see nurses tending to wounded men and women.

" Doc. " he says as moves out the way and pulls my hand forward and towards the doctor. He let's my hand go and I miss the warmth of it.

" Dahlia! I need a heated blanket stat. " he shouts to a nurse before he looks back at me.

" Hello, I'm Doctor Marshall. Can you explain a little about what has happened? " he asks politely.

I nod before I explain how Mateo and I were driving to get lunch all the way towards us jumping off the bridge.

" And you stayed conscious this entire time? " he asks as he assesses my blood soaked hoodie and tired appearance.

I nod.

Both Marshall and Ares look impressed before Marshall speaks.

" We have to remove your shirt and get you into a gown Miss... "

" Angel. "

" Angel. "  he repeats back to me.

My face pales a bit at the thought of my scars being visible.

" I want Diego in here. " I say after a moment.

" Wh-" Ares begins but I cut him off.

" I want him in here or I will sit here and bleed. "

Ares turns around and leaves the room assumingely to get Diego. Marshall directs me to a room and inside is a hospital bed and a en-suite bathroom.

" I will give you some privacy. " he says.

" Thank you." I say to him.

A small knock sounds through the bathroom and Diego peaks his head through the small gap.

" Hi mi pequeña paloma. "  Diego says with a small smile.

I give him a small, tired smile.

" Will you help me " I ask.

He nods before walking in and gently closing the door. He takes the scissors and begins to cut the wet shirt off of me. He peels back the pieces and throws them onto the ground, leaving me in my sports bra.

" I'll cut the back and turn around. If you need help I'll close my eyes, I promise. "

I nod my head tiredly and wait for him to finish cutting the thin material. He places the scissors down and turns around. I slowly peel the bra off, being extra careful around my bullet wound.

Blood drips onto the floor as I move my arm and I take in a deep breathe before letting it out. Throwing the wet and bloody bra onto the floor, I ask Diego for the gown.

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