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Eleanor Schoenmaker



You did so well!! Congrats!!


Carlos Sainz

Eleanor turned around in her bed and opened her eyes. For the first time since she went to Spain, she slept in the house. For the past six months, she had been sleeping in a caravan because the house was not liveable. Yesterday, some items of furniture were delivered including the three beds. So the father and daughter finally could sleep in a normal bed in a normal house.

However, her sleep got disturbed by her phone which was ringing. A groan left her mouth. Who was calling her today? Barely anyone called her these days. She grabbed her phone and squinted her eyes, the light was bright. Yet she forced herself to open her eyes to see the caller ID: an unfamiliar Dutch phone number. She cleared her throat and accepted the call. "Hallo?"

"Hallo, je spreekt met Milo," the male voice said. It was pretty Dutch. A man called Milo. Did she know Milo?


"Thank you for picking up. I hope that I am not disturbing you this early. I'm the editor of the achtuurjournaal and I'm looking for someone who can cover the political item."

"Ah, I see. But I'm in Spain and not working at the moment."

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry. This is about a political item in Madrid. You are my last hope. My correspondent has a private issue and we need this item covered."

Eleanor bit her lip. And this is my problem? "I'm sorry, but I don't work for you."

"That's all sorted, don't worry about that. We really need that item in tonight's show and you are the perfect candidate. I wouldn't call you if I didn't think you were good at your job."

She worked for a newspaper, but when she was a young girl, she always wanted to work as a news broadcaster. Eleanor stared at the ceiling. She hadn't worked for over six months, and she didn't like it anymore, but getting asked to cover a news item and receiving a huge compliment from the news editor... She reconsidered everything. "This will be a one-timer," Eleanor said. "What is it about?"

"Eleanor, you are a lifesaver!"

The phone call lasted ten minutes. Milo shared every detail of the deal and explained a little bit about how it should work, how the day would look like and the location.

"Papa," Eleanor said and looked around for him in the house.

"Ja," Stephan said and walked out of his bedroom.

A smile was resting on her face. "I will be on the news tonight. I have to cover an item in the achtuurjournaal," she said.

"The eight o'clock news?"

She nodded. "I have to cover someone, but they said that they wanted me for it. The prime minister of the Netherlands will be here and I have to report it."

Stephan walked towards her and gave her a big hug. "That is wonderful, Ellie. Wow. How... Why you?"

"Robbert..." Her boss at the newspaper. "...knows Milo, the editor at the news, and Milo called Robbert for advice and he said that I was here, mastering the Spanish language, familiar with the politics here and obviously back home. And they're hiring me for one day. I can't speak proper Spanish, but fine."

Flores :: Carlos SainzWhere stories live. Discover now