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"Australian Gold op m'n borst en m'n benen. 60's planga en geen sok om mijn tenen. Met een gebronsde huid loop ik het pad naar beneden. Het kan niet veel beter," Jade sang and showed some moves on her spot. She pointed at Eleanor, across from the tennis field.

Eleanor put her tennis racket under her arm, pressing it against her body. She laughed and clapped in her hands. "Dan het Schevenings leven. Betaal jij vandaag, ik ben m'n pinpas vergeten. En mijn OV versleten. Dit is het het Schevenings leven," she sang along with the music.

"De bladeren vallen van de bomen af. Kan niet geloven dat dit de zomer was. Nog één keer naar buiten. Nog één keer 'dr af. Nog een laatste witte was," Xylia sang, she was standing on the sideline.

The laugh of Willemijn filled the air. "I got that on film, women!" She leaned against the railing outside of the field.

Witte Was by Goldband became their go-to song ever since it got out. The four women met during high school and apparently they were all member of the same tennis club - but never knew it before they met.

It was Saturday evening, yes, a Saturday evening. Instead of going out or terrassen, the women went to their tennis club to play some games. It was the only day the women could meet up. So they did, at their old club, in their old town.

"Ladies, five minutes!"

The four women turned around and looked at the owner of the club. They forgot that the owner was still at the club.

"Let's go, last serve," Jade said and jumped on her spot.

Eleanor cracked her neck and grabbed a tennis ball from her pocket. She bounced the ball a few times on the ground before she served it. However, one minute later... "Godverdomme!" Eleanor clenched her jaw and smashed her racket on the ground. "Kutzooi," she breathed and limped around. A painful laugh left her mouth.

Laughter filled the air.

"You know you are supposed to use your racket next to your body, not in front of your body?" Xylia asked and shook her head.

Eleanor looked at her. "Thanks for the tip, flappie." A grown rolled over her lips and she grabbed her racket from the ground, looking if it collected any damage. "God, now I know why I quit. I don't hit the ball, no, I hit my knee," she said and snorted.

"Welcome to the club," Willemijn said. "My legs are blue."

"Like that kid from Willy Wonka. What's her name again?" Jade said and collected all the yellow balls from the field.

"Violet," Willemijn said. "Shit, yes, I feel like I'm Violet."

Jade pointed at her and nodded.

Eleanor smirked and shook her head. She left the field and sat down on the bench. She grabbed a bottle of water and took a big sip. "Who won, actually?" She grabbed her phone and checked for new messages.

"I lost the track of the count," Xylia said and sat down next to Eleanor. "Leg up," she said and grabbed another bottle of water. It was a grey Dopper, a bottle that was very popular in the Netherlands.

Eleanor put her leg on the bench in front of her and looked around. "Ouch," she breathed when Xylia poured ice-cold water on her knee.

"See, Dopper keeps your water ice cold," Xylia proudly said. "And we don't have an ice pack, so we have to do it this way," she mentioned.

"You can see who the doctor is here," Jade teased.

"You would let her suffer," Xylia shot back.

Jade pressed her lips into a thin line and shrugged. "Maybe," she mumbled.

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