CHAPTER 15... The kill

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I read over the letter almost 15 times, carefully fold the badly crumpled paper, and place it on the black counter top of my bathroom sink. I rummage through my drawers to find a piece of rope, it's a thick creamish colour. I grab my keys and run downstairs to my car, my mum is too busy watching TV to notice me. The car engine fails to start, maybe it's a sign? Oh fuck signs my girlfriend is DEAD! I grab out my phone and text Shailene so if she is still alive she knows I really do care about her

Meet me at 'the tree'

I pull up at school, now I know what your thinking, your going to commit suicide at your school?! Well yes I am, but I am going to die at the tree that Shailene used to sit under. The thought of her makes me well up with tears and I feel like crumpling up into a ball. I tie the rope around the soft tree trunk and secure it at a branch, I climb up a branch or two and swing the rope over the highest branch, still standing on the fragile tree limb, I slowly slip my head into the noose, I turn around to the tree trunk and push the note into the trunk with a blade, I go to jump off of the branch noose gets tight, Should I do this?

What kind of question is that Michael? JUST JUMP YOU MOTHER FUCKER!

"I love you Shailene" I whisper as I put one foot off of the badly bruised tree branch and slowly fall to my death. the rope gets tighter around my neck, I can feel by head getting hotter and my fingers feel tingly, the blood supply is getting cut off from my brain. My eyes go black for moment, it's true what they say, your life really does flash in front of you. I'm there playing in a sandbox, then it's with my first girlfriend when I was 14. Michelle, It flashes to me just before I jumped.



I woke up in a cold sweat, there is something wrong, I look around searching the gloomy room for Michael. No sign of him, I get out my phone and see I have a text from Michael,

meet me at 'The tree'

"Oh shit" I say under my breath, I am a lot stronger than I was before, I rip all of the cords streaming from my body and slip into a pair of Michael's sweatpants and Michael's shirt he had left here.

I go to my contacts and search my phone for someone that I know, the only contact I have is Michael's and my mum's.

Ring Ring Ring

Hey this is Michael leave a message after the beep...

Oh Crap he isn't answering his phone


Ring Ring

"Hey who is this?" My mum says

"Oh thank god, it's Shailene please come and pick me up! Michael is in trouble!" I say into the phone

"Oh okay umm who is Michael?" She says, my mum hasn't paid any attention to me.

"JUST PICK ME UP!" I scream into the phone.

"Okay where r u?" My mum says a little freaked out about my urgency.

"I'm at the hospital.... Don't ask" I say and hang up, I couldn't stand to speak to her......

At school,

I slam the door shut and run to the tree not paying any attention that I was at school... On a weekend! As I get closer I know what has happened, Michael is there with a rope around his neck, his face a pale blue, his chest isn't moving.

What the hell am I supposed to do? I feel my face welling up with tears. My mind clicks.


"911 what your emergency?"


''stay calm, what is your name?'' the dispatcher says calmly

"uh err" I am stumped by her question, my jaw drops as I look at Michael. his beautiful face is now swollen and pale. He is lifeless. He is dead.


Okay guys I'm really sorry for not updating in a while, please forgive me. I'm not too sure I like this chapter very much..... So should this be the end or should I make more chapters? I really hope your liking the story! Don't forget to comment and like!
Love- Keelzey

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