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I run into my bedroom, I can't believe Michael is dead. I pinch my self, nope. I'm not asleep. I need to be with him. I go to the pitch black bathroom, open the top drawer, blades. They are my life, my everything, my always. They take the pain away, today, they will take my life. I furiously scoop up all of the blades. Run to the lights and turn all of them on. Lock the bathroom door and sit down. I open the medicine cupboard in my bathroom and swipe all of the small bottles of pills onto the ground. Tylenol, ibuprofen. I Pick the four bottles up and pour the contents into my hand, it's more than enough. I swallow all of them and push my back to the wall. My mascara staining my red cheeks. I pick out a blade, it's sharp and silvery appearance calms me. I cut my wrists, I use a substantial amount of force while slicing open my delicate skin. A shriek forms from my lips. Blood starts rushing out. I am getting dizzy, and I start seeing things; side effects of an overdose. even though I'm sitting down, I can barely seem to hold my body up. fighting the feeling I stand up, my vision is blurry, my head is foggy, and my legs are wobbly. I go to my mirror and slice my finger with a blade, I can see bone... I think. I use the blood to write in the mirror.
I love you Michael.
My vision is getting blurrier and I feel like I'm going to pass out. I slide the blade on my legs, watching the blood ooze from the lines. I go to my wrists again, slicing very deep, and going over, and over my cuts, making them sting like a bitch. I am slipping in and out of consciousness.

I see Michael he is holding out his hand,
"It's okay, I'm here, I'm with you, I never left your side." Michael says extending a warm welcome into death.
Right then and there I knew I made the right choice. I grab Michaels hand. It burns, very bad.
"It's okay Shailene, once you get over the burning, it's graceful," Michael says in a hushed voice.
I embrace him, he is so warm. I feel my whole body getting warmer, and soon I'm melting, melting away, melting into the bathroom floor. I am now in darkness. I can hear my grandmas sweet voice who died about 5 years
"It's okay."
I am beginning to like this dark hole of a place. I feel the need to walk forward, into a bright light. "Goodbye world" I whisper as the blinding light engulfs my body.


Never fear I will be writing other books.
Sorry for the crappy ending. I had no idea how to end this book.
I really hate the ending of books. It means there is no more. Ugh.

Thank you all for reading! I didn't even think that I would get 1 reader! And I ended up having 1.41k reads as of today! Thank you all! So much! I'll make an authors note after this asking for people to use for characters in my next story!
I am actually quite sad that this story has ended. I enjoyed writing it.
Okay so for an ending, kinda thing, I want you to write in the comments what was your favourite part of the book?

ilyasm I couldn't have done it without you Xx

And for the last time in this book.

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Love- Keelzey

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