〔 十九 〕 through the gloom

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breathing within like a rushing wind

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breathing within like a rushing wind.

Akane—somehow still—keeping up her attendance at the academy. Not physically. Only through Shadow Clones. The teachers' lectures sounded distant in her ears. Not really bragging, but she already knew most of their teaching.

A day after the trip to Mount Myōboku, both of the mentor and student had coincidentally crossed paths at the Nara Forest near the Memorial Shrine.

"Geh." Akane made the most profound disgust expression she had. "Are you following me?"

"Don't lump that on me!" Jiraiya was equally annoyed. "I don't even want to see you here!"

Of course, there was no reason for them to meet to have ninja lessons after Akane flat out refused to learn what had her father learned from him.

"Tch," the girl only hissed while plopping down the ground under a shedding tree. She also brought books about the unknown sage regions of this world. Those books were only found at the Hokage's office, and Shikaku Nara was benevolent enough to get it for her.

Whilst Jiraiya did the same, though a little farther to the kid. He wasn't there to read, but to start outlining for his new novel. Yet inspiration and solid concept hadn't stricken him—still stuck in the hopeless pit of ambiguity.

Both became occupied to what they were doing.

Akane, while in the middle of her reading, her eyes were closing. She shook off the sleepiness, yet whenever she gazed closer on the page, the definition of each word vanished like a wisp of smoke before it really penetrated.

She gave up to her drowsiness, soon leaning her head on the truck of the tree while dropping the book down. Akane's favorite hobby was sleeping, thus falling asleep fast was a talent for her. She didn't also have a support for head; gravity eventually pulling her weight down and fell on her sides.

Jiraiya heard a soft thud, directing his line of sight where the sound came from. Turned out, it was just a girl dozing off.

He was kind of surprised for not waking up on that part.

"How could she sleep when it's still mid-morning?" he muttered to himself.

Autumn days became inevitably colder weather as the day passed by. The forest was awash with the multi-coloured offerings, completely covering the grass with fallen leaves.

It must be a parental instincts, but she might get sick in that state. Good thing, though, she started wearing thicker apparel. He was bringing an extra blanket, so he went near her and put the fabric on her motionless body. Then he quickly went back to what he was doing: pinning quotes and advices from the people he met and trying to connect each idea to form concepts and correlations.

Writing is hard; it feels like there's a hole in my brain.

That was Jiraiya's mindset all the while spending time thinking.

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