〔 四 〕 harbouring the same flames

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The scorch in the dusking sun

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The scorch in the dusking sun.

Lodged in the Hokage Office, Minato was still bombarded doing the paperwork. The village of Konoha had suffered great damage in the last war, and he still had to work for the peace treaty with the Iwagakure. He wasn't still used with the Hokage duties, but the Sandaime, Hiruzen Sarutobi, assisted Minato with the transition of power by advising him on how to handle individuals and other village matters.

For a little while, he decided to take a breather by opening the window of the room. The scent of a brewing storm greeted him first, dark clouds were being accumulated in the sky. And thinking thoroughly, the weather had changed quicker than the usual.

Something bad was about to happen.

And that was for sure.

Soon, an unknown person abruptly burst in through the door of the office, and it surprised him.

Minato gazed at the person who turned out to be a shinobi from the barrier team—those who were responsible for the maintenance of the Sensing Barrier all throughout the village.

"Yondaime!" A crippling tension grew in the man's face. "Some intruders had broke through our village! And it's them who caused this upcoming rain!"

"I see," he answered flatly. He was right after all. "In what location?"

The shinobi responded promptly, "Two miles from here, sir, Northeast. At first, they were moving at a moderate speed, but they seemed to stop moving for unknown reasons."


He was reminded, in the direction was where his ancestor's graveyard located.

As the Fourth Hokage, he could've just ordered someone to confront the intruders, but no one could move as fast as him, and it would be risky if they advanced further towards the center of the village.

When he was about to summon his trusted student—Kakashi—he already noticed his presence. The silver-headed jōnin was already posted to do his duty, standing outside the canopy roof of the building.

Minato exited through the window, taking out his custom-made kunai. Even though he wanted to teleport right away to the Namikaze graveyard, he believed that he never left a mark in that place.

Soon, those first fat drops of autumn rain fell to the hot, dry ground and created a distinctive odor—a fresh, musky scent that permeated the air.

Minato, along with Kakashi, had started to move at a high pace, disappearing from time to time and building to building. They never minded the rain soaking their attire; the mission was their top priority.

As they were about to reach the first mile from their destination, all of the sudden, a flash of lighting was shot towards the sky and it served as if it was a beacon of hope. Sooner, a bolt of great bluish-white lightning in a form of phoenix made an appearance from the darkest of the clouds—both stupefying the two men for a moment.

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