What his friends/family think of you.

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Dad-  He thinks you're alright

Gwen- she loves you smm! Y'all are besties

Robin- He thinks you're amazing. Y'all are besties and y'all both help Finney when he's being bullied. He's glad that you make Finney happy.
(Robin and Gwen are y'all's biggest shippers)


Mom- She loves you and is so happy that you make Robin happy. She invites you over for dinner all the time.

Uncle- Also loves you. Is so proud Robin has found someone who loves him so much.

Finney-  Your bestie. He loves you and Robin so much.


Amy- She loves you so much. She always asks you to hang out with her.

Baseball teammates- They like you.


Mom- Loves you so much. She loves that when you're with him he's never angry.

Bruce- you guys are close. He ships you and Vance so hard. Best friends

Robin- ships you guys. He likes you. You guys are best friends.

Little sister- (I know he doesn't actually have a little sister but I'm gonna write that he does) She loves you. You guys are besties.

AN: How was ur day ?

Any recommendations?

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