Me and Him--2

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Samairah was walking to her house from work. She was very tired. She had to take someone else shift today. Because that person was sick. She worked at a bar. Well people would say that a bar is not a place where a girl should work. But she had to.

Samairah was a orphan. Her parents died when she was at the age of twelfe. She was sent then to an orphanage where she stayed till she was eighteen. She had got the chance to finish highschool and college.
She had received her mother and father money. Her inheritance. But the money was not too much. Her parents were not that rich that they could have aforded everything. She knew that the money wouldn't stay for long. So thats why she worked hard since highschool to save up. People wouldn't take her as an intern because she hadn't experience in working and they wanted someone with experience and knowledge at what they were doing. So she took part time jobs sometimes a waitress or a housemaid or babysitter to make money.

She was now 20 years old. Had a little house of two bedrooms, a kitchen,livingroom, bathroom and toilet, a garden. It was a normal house. Simple but it was her home. And she was more than happy and lucky too to get the house from her friend.

Samairah walked to her door and unlocked it. She got inside and was greated by none other than her lovely pet. A cat. He was named Loui. She had found it in a box on the streets. She felt symphathy for the poor kitty so she took him in and she was happy that she did.

She walked to her bed and flopped down.
She rolled left to right on her comfortable bed that she loves so much but stopped when she felt paper crumble under her. She sat up and saw that it was an envelope. She picked it up and saw it was a letter for her.
"Huh how did it get here ?" She wondered confused. She didn't remember ever bringing it here. Then how did it get here. she thought still confused.
She teared it open and saw that there was a letter inside. She took the letter out of the envelope and unfolded it.
She read it and gasped loudly.
Her lips trembled and her eyes watered. She started breathing hard. It felt like she would have a panic attack any moment now. She was afraid.

'You are mine.' Was written on the letter.
Well it may not be so much of a thing to panic but for Samairah it was. It wasn't written from who or to whom it was but Samairah knew from whom and for whom it was. It was for her from him.

If the letter was on her bed that means that someone had been in the house.
Samairah sprung from the bed. She began pacing the room panicking. She didn't know how to handle this situation. If it was who she thought the letter was from than that means he found her. But she could also be overjudging the situation. It could be her friend who was playing a trick on her.
Ooh who was she kidding her friend would never do this to her Samairah thought.

Samairah decided to ignore it and go on with her life. She was sure it was prank or something. She thought that just because there is written on paper you are mine doesn't mean that it is from someone she thinks it is from.

But she didn't know that that letter was just the biginning and a warning.


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