Chapter 3

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Samairah was feeling like shit today. She couldn't even sleep for a minute. She was rolling in her bed trying to sleep but every time she closed her eyes she would remember the letter that was on her bed. She told herself to ignore it. She was doing that most of the time but when she wasn't she was worried sick.

She was trying her best to forget the letter by working at the bar. She had a night shift today. She was already tired as hell and trying not to fall asleep by washing her face with cold water every thirty minutes.

"What can i get for you ? Samairah asked a guy that came to the bar. He was very hot. Muscular and sexy. But Samairah wasn't the least interisted in him or rather anyone. Because she wasn't so sure if she could move on from her past.
"May i have a beer ?" The guy asked smiling snapping Samairah from her thoughts.
"Yes certainly. Please give me a minute." She said smiling back.
"Sure." The guy grinned.
Samirah took a glass and filled it with the beer. She then walked back to the guy and handed him his beer.
"Here is your beer. And that is 4 dollers."

[A/N: I really don't know how much a beer costs so don't pay much attention to that.]

Samairah said smiling.
"Thanks. And here is the money." Samairah thanked him and put the cash in the cashier. She then began helping other customers.

After two hours it was finally time for Samairah to leave for home. She was exhausted. She felt like she could fal in sleep while she was standing. She went to the bathroom and washed her face to wake her up a little bit.
She then greeted her boss goodbye and was going to walk out of the club when she bumped in her friend Ronnie.
"Sorry Ronnie." Samairah apologized.
"Its okay sugar. I was coming to you anyway. This package came for you before. I was busy with customers so i forgot to give it to you." Ronnie said handing Samairah the package.
"Ooh okay no problem. But who gave it to you ?" Samairah asked confused. She was sure she didn't order anything.
"Hmm it was a guy for sure but i couldn't see his face he had a hood on." Ronnie answered.
"Ooh okay. Thanks anyway Ronnie." Samairah said smiling.
"No problem. Take care. Till monday." Ronnie replied smiling.
"Thank you. You too. Take care." Samairah said.
"Yup." Ronnie waved. Samairah waved back and walked out of the club. Making her home by walking. She wasn't so rich to get a car and besides she was saving money. She didn't mind walking. She liked it. But on days when she was tired she wished she had a car.

She wondered who the package was from. And she was sure she didn't get any news from her friend that she was going to get a package.

As Samairah was walking she felt like someone was watching her. Samairah turned around and looked behind her if she saw anyone. But there wasn't anyone nearby. She turned around and began walking again a bit faster. Even though she saw nobody she could feel somebody watching her. She was creeped out. What if it was a murderer or a rapist or a robber she thought.

Samairah was relieved when she saw her apartment. She began walking faster than before almost running. She opened her appartments frontdoor with her keys when she arrived and got inside hurriedly. She slammed the door and sighed. She took her coat of and put it on her couch. She flopped down on the couch and began opening the package. When she was done unwrapping it she was shocked. There were pictures of her. Pictures when she was at work talking to the guy who had ordered beer today and on the picture was written 'I don't like you talking to men. Their were also pictures of her walking home. Pictures of her at the supermarket. One picture that shocked her the most was of her sleeping. And on the picture there was written with a blue pen ' You look beautiful sleeping Samairah.'

Samairah was terrified. She was trembling in fear. If someone had taken the picture of her sleeping that person must have been in her house. She was scared. First the letter on her bed where was written 'You are mine.' And now a package of photos of her and one where she was sleeping too.

She didn't know what she had to do now. She couldn't tell her friends because they would get worried and she didn't want that.

Samairah screamed from the shock when she heard her mobile beeping. She cursed under her breath and took her phone out of her pocket. She saw that she had a new message from an unknown number.
She opened the mesage even though she was confused.
'I hope i didn't scare you beautiful. But now that i found you i couldn't stop myself anymore.' It read. Samairah dropped her celphone from the shock.

Why is this person doing this to her ? Who is this person ? She thought frustrated and scared. The letter, the package with her pictures and the messages were all from the same guy.
What did he want from her ? And how did he get her cellphone number ? She thought.
She picked her cellphone from the ground and began typing.
'Who are you ?' She typed in and sent it to the unknown number.
Not even a minute passed and Samairah received a new message from the same unknown number.
It read 'Its for me to know and you to find out beautiful.'

Although Samairah was scared she was getting irritated by this guy.
She began typing again and sent the message.
She wrote 'Don't bullshit with me. Who the fuck are you ?'
Just like the first time she received a new message from him in a minute.
'Curses are not suited for a girl like you beautiful. I see you are still the same. And i told you you have to find out yourself. In time you will know.' He replied.
Samairah wondered what he meant by still the same. Just who is he and why won't he tell her.
'Leave me alone.' Samairah sent back and turned her phone off.

Samairah was tired and she wanted to forget what happened today. So she went to her bedroom and flopped down her bed. She wrapped the blankets around her body and welcomed the sleep.

But Samairah didn't know that ignoring him was not good.


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