chapter 7

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POV Jace:

Ugh. Why does Macy have to be so.. so fucking arrogant? 

Not that I mind, but still. I kick a rock as I walk to my motorcycle. A gift from my parents for my seventeenth birthday.

"A boy like you must have something to show off," my father said.

Half an hour later I get off my motorcycle, park it in the garage next to our house and walk exhausted to the front door. As I search for my keys, the door opens and I see my mother's tired face.

"Hi honey," she mumbles. I see her trying to keep her balance at the wooden table just next to the door frame. "I was just about to go for a little walk, would you mind walking with me?"

Alacia Cawlen, she used to write many YATs (Young Adult Thriller). A few years ago she got sick, the doctors couldn't tell what it was yet. 

"Mom, I think it's better if you lay down for a while. You look way too shabby'' I sigh, grabbing my mother's arm as I pull her back inside. I hear my mother protest a bit, but eventually she goes upstairs to rest more.

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