chapter 4

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Pov JaceI see it before I step into the room. Slowly and with firm steps I enter the room, and sure enough, there goes the good mood of the teacher. "Too late again, Mr. Cawlen. Please be reasonable this time and get a note," I hear the teacher, Miss Calsey, grumble. "Oh no, miss. that will be a disgrace to my audience''I contradict her with a chuckle. Just as expected, I can hear the class laughing, except for one person.

Well well well, if that's not my little Macy, I think, grinning. She's changed after all these years, more serious... and sexier... I think after it with a grin.

"Jace, seriously! act like a fucking grown up and just get that fucking note'' I suddenly hear someone say. There she is. the little Macy acting tough, I think, laughing in his mind. "MACY WILLIAMS! that's not language I want to hear here. go and report to the director!" the teacher bursts out.

I see Macy secretly raise a middle finger and get up. "Fine, but know that you will still have a lot of trouble with me. I'm certainly not a sweetheart," I hear Macy say, unexpectedly, very mockingly.

''Well? Mr. Cawlen, what will it be? get a note or go to the director." I turn around and see the impatient face of the teacher. This is my chance, I think, grinning. 

"Why should I get such a boring note. You already know that I'd rather stay after." I reply with a grin. and just like I thought, I'll be out in a few minutes.

Right in front of the director's office.

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