Episode 1- The Beginning

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Disclaimer: I do not own the plot, characters, or you (y/n). Please do not sexualize any of these characters as they are minors and kids. If you don't like the way this story is written, they please, kindly leave. This is one of the two new books that I have decided to write in addition to my witch boy book. Please check those out as well, I would really appreciate it. There will be Grammer and spelling mistakes scattered throughout all the books, including this one, so please ignore those, I will try to go through and see what I can do to fix them. Again, thank you so much for choosing this book and I don't mean to be rambling, but I'm just very happy and I hope that this book is to your enjoyment. Also, this is an ongoing webtoon so if you want more explanations on how this world works and more on the characters, than you can check that out by searching 'The Last Dimension' on webtoon. Now, onto the story:

I was board. I was sitting and talking with my friend Anne Marie de Delle. Well, more so she was talking and I was listening. We suddenly come to a screeching halt and I am ripped from my seat in the back straight into some other kid. 

"Ouch! What the heck was that for?!" " It wasn't on purpose estupido*!" Did I mention that I will get really defensive and mad if someone accuses, or yells at me? No? Well, i do.

" We heard banging and screaming is everyone- gasp! WHY ARE YOU ON THE PRODIGY!! GET OFF HIM RIGHT NOW!" That was a researcher from our laire labs. We're moving to the Quianto labs so we could meet new people and 'further advance out Chondrias** skills'. 

Oh yeah! The kid I landed on was Alex Hill AKA the biggest jerk that has ever walked the face of the planet. He always picked on weaker kids like my other friend, Phil. That always ends up in him with a black eye, or other minor injury,and me getting an hour long lecture because he's the ' prodigy with amazing potential'!

"Before I was interrupted, I came to tell you guys that we made it to Quianto labs and to get out of the truck." I walk back to Anne so we can walk in together.

As were walking, she turns around and looks at the sky. 

Tap! Tap!

"Huh? Oh hi Phil!" I say waving to him while smiling.

Isn't this place beautiful! Whoa where did everyone go? Did they go inside already? 

Phil just nods his head in response. He's always been pretty shy around people. 

Thanks for letting us know! I say. C'mon, let's go catch up with them!

Anne, then grabs mine and Phil's hands lightly and  pulls us towards the entrance of the big brown building that would soon become out new home.

                                                                         End episode 1: The Vision and The new kids.

*Idiot. Estupido means idiot in Spanish. These will be a couple Spanish words scattered here and there but the translation will always be here at the bottom

**Chondrias are kind of like their world's word for super powers. It's more complicated than that but I don't really understand it myself so if you want more on it, your going to have to read the webtoon

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