Hey Punzie~

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Day 14
Punz(he/they/rose) and Purpled(he/xe/star)
Plot:c!Purpled uses that stupid nickname
Head cannons:c!Purpled called c!Punz "Punzie" when he was younger

When Punz and Purpled where younger Purpled always have a nickname for him. Punzie. Xey used it for whenever star wanted something. Punz knee how to play his little game but somethings he would lose and Purp would make fun of them because of it.

Punz never got upset, rose was just happy he made xem happy. Sure they would get all dramatic about it but it add more fun to it. So when Purp walked up to him, xey had a look that Punz could already tell star wanted something.

"Hey Punzie~"

He would always use that tone of song voice. He just sighed before shaking their head, before purp could ask anything all Punz had to say was.

"No I don't care if you ask me nicely, you want something weird or crazy like you always do"
"Hey come on just this once Punzie pleaseeeeee?"

Rose just gave xem a stern look before shaking his head again.

"No Purp, I already told you once before no and I'm not gonna say it again."

Purp just pouted before giving him the 'look'. Knowing Punz can't say no now. Xey heard Punz just sigh.

"Fine then"

An:Stupid brother things
Word count:196
Actual word count:235

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