Chapter lll

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Alyssa's POV

I shoot up heaving again it was the same nightmare that's been keeping me up for the last few weeks. I dreamt of Damiana drowning me, that's actually my biggest fear drowning.

I never learnt how to swim when I was young because I was always in and out of hospitals so I didn't get to do many things a normal kid would.

I sit up and check the time it was already five in the morning so I go take a shower and do my hair then get dressed. I may be locked up in this room but at least it has a shower and all the necessary amenities from toothbrushes, pads and of course my medication.

After I was done showering I begin making the bed that is before a worker barges in. She greets me and start making the bed for me and opening the curtains along with very high windows.

You're wondering why don't I jump from the windows and run away. Trust me I've thought of it until I saw all the guards near my window and the windows can only be opened with a tiny remote that only the workers have.

Different workers come in and clean my room everyday and they are strictly instructed not to talk to me or there'll be dire consequences. Which I totally understand so I see a new face everyday which kinda sucks cause I'd also like to have someone to talk to.

When the worker was done making my bed and opening the windows she walked out. A few minutes later another worker walked in and she had a trolley full of different foods.

Oh yeah I do everything in here I'm not allowed out I'm basically Rapunzel. I take a bowl of oats, some pancakes along with tea and a bottle of water. After I took all that she scurried away and the doors closed.

I start eating the oats first. I really enjoy oats it kind of reminds me of home because that's what I ate most of the time. When I was younger I had a very strict diet that had alot of protein and carbs. Now that I'm older I can eat almost anything I want but considerately.

When I was done with my breakfast I took my medication and gulped down the whole bottle of water. I had nothing else to do because there's literally only a bed and nightstands in here. I think she's trying to make me go crazy which I give her a point for because I'm slowly loosing my sanity here.

I decided to go stand by the huge window and watch this huge beautiful garden. It had beautiful delicate flowers and colourful trees which was a big contrast to the owner. As I was standing there the door to my room opened when I turned around I saw the only person who talks to me here Theodore.

Theo: oh hello there

Alyssa: hi you're back already? Must've really missed me

Theo: oh trust me I have much better things to do

Alyssa: but here you are

Theo: (eye roll) don't remind me

We both start laughing. Theo is actually a doctor so she comes every day to redress my wound which is healing perfectly. When we first met I was so terrified of her because she looks like she could kill you by just breathing but she's actually a sweetheart.

She's probably one of the most gorgeous people I've ever seen on the face of earth. She has a jawline as shape as a blade, green cat eyes and a body of a model. She stands at five eleven without heels plus she always looks incredible in her fitted suits.

Theo: so how have you been?

Alyssa: I think I'm gonna go crazy in here

Theo: (chuckle) definitely what she wants

Alyssa: can't I go home? I wanna go home

She keeps quiet and dress my wound before she sighs then looks at me. She holds both my hands and give me a faint hopeless smile.

Theo: I think we both know you're never going home because it's either you make peace with the fact that this is your new home or you go back to your home in a casket

Honestly a part of me knew that but Theo just crushed my soul. I was trying to be optimistic because I've told them that I work for no one and everything I know but it doesn't seem like they believe me.

Alyssa: she's your sister I'm sure you can get through to her please Theo I'll owe you my life I just want to see my brother

Theo: Damiana doesn't listen to anyone, her word is final and nothing can change her mind

Alyssa: (sigh) can you please borrow me your phone so I can talk to my brother please that's all I wanna do

Theo: I'm sorry Alyssa I can't do that I can't betray my blood

As soon as she said that Ivan came into view and I instantly turned pale. He shouldn't have heard that now I'm sure I'm going to get punished.

He talks to Theodore in Italian then she gets out. He comes closer to me.

Ivan: Capo wants to see you

I looked at him terrified if you haven't noticed I fear this man more than anything in this world, well him and Damiana.

Ivan had icy pale skin and the lightest shade of blue eyes. He also had snow white hair and a thick Russian accent. I always wonder how a Russian man ended up working for a Italian.

I guess now is not the time to try figure that out because I was following him to Damiana's office. Well to say this house is huge would be the biggest understatement in the world because we've been walking up and down stairs but we weren't arriving. After sometime we make it to a dark narrow passage.

Ivan: down there she's waiting for you

I make my way to her office and I felt like shitting myself because I'm pretty sure today is the day she kills me.

I mean why else would she summon me to her dingy office after keeping me locked up in that room for weeks. I walk slowly towards the office until I finally make it to the huge double doors and knock on them.


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