Chapter XLIV

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Alyssa's POV

I wake up and my head was pounding so bad. I try to remember what happened and then everything comes flooding in, and tears brim my eyes. What did Theo mean when she said I'm pregnant. I'm too young to be a mother and I don't think I'd know what to do when the baby is here.

I slowly sit up and look around trying to figure out where Theo is at, just as I'm about to reach for the call bell she walks in holding papers whilst talking to someone. She sees me and smile and my eyes immediately land on the person behind her and I feel my stomach drop. I quickly wipe away my tears and look the other way.

Theo walks up to me and checks for vitals and all that doctor stuff while I kept wiping away tears that kept pouring from my eyes.

Theo: how are you feeling now?

Alyssa: fine, when can I go home?

Theo: you're okay and both you and the baby's vitals are good so now if you want.

Alyssa: (sniffle) I'd like to go please.

Theo: okay let me get you somethings then I'll let you go.

Alyssa: thank you.

Theo removes the drips from me then looked at me then Damiana before walking out leaving us alone. When she left, I get off bed and try to walk to the tiny bathroom in the corner of the room but I trip on one of the cords and almost fall but I hold onto bed and regain my balance.

Damiana: are you okay?

I look at her and scoff before walking to the bathroom. She follows me there.

Alyssa: can you get out I want to get dressed.

She walks out and I quickly get dressed so I can get out of here as soon as possible. The sight of Damiana makes me sick. After getting dressed I get out of the bathroom and head to the door, but it was now locked.

I just stand there for a second trying to process where does this woman get such a nerve from.

Alyssa: Damiana let me out.

She slowly stands from the chair she was seated on and stands in front of me. When she gets to me, she lifts up my chin so I look straight into her eyes.

Damiana: how are you my gattina?

I scoff and try to look away from her, but she holds my face in place.

Damiana: I missed you, you know?

Alyssa: Damiana let go of me.

Damiana: how can I when you look this good.

She confidently mutters those words while she checks me out.

Alyssa: what do you want from me?

Damiana: I want you gattina

Alyssa: (scoff) no you don't and stop calling me that stupid name.

Damiana: Theo told me we're expecting our first baby.

"of course, she did'' I say under my breathe while rolling my eyes.

Alyssa: sorry to bust your bubble but I'm not having your baby.

I watch the cocky smirk on her face quickly being replaced by confusion.

Damiana: what do you mean?

Alyssa: I'm having an abortion.

Damiana: Alyssa you wouldn't dare.

Alyssa: or what you're going to lock me up here until I give birth?

Damiana: don't give me ideas.

Alyssa: you wouldn't do that to me

She smirks and tilts her head to the side, as if mocking me.

Damiana: what makes you think that?

Alyssa: because you love me.

Again, I wipe the smirk off her face and she stand up straight.

Damiana: okay I get that you're mad at me but we're not getting an abortion okay?

Alyssa: (scoff) I wonder what gives you an idea that I actually value your opinion in this matter.

Damiana: amore don't kill our baby just because you're mad at me

Alyssa: I'm mad? (scoff) no I'm not mad I'm enraged Damiana! you left me in the middle of the night like a theft after ripping me to shreds then you want to show up here like nothing happened! No Damiana you don't get to you walk in and out of my life just like that! I'm not one of your lackeys! You said you loved me then you go on to make me a laughingstock, Damiana you don't treat someone you love like that!

I just stand there and sob. She tries to comfort me, but I push her off me.

Alyssa: you know what? I don't want you in my life anymore Damiana. I'm also not going to give a lowlife mobster like you a baby.

I wanted to hurt her as bad as she hurt me, and I guess those words did just that because she looked at me in disbelief before letting out a humorless laugh and looking me straight in my eyes.

Damiana: oh, the same lowlife you stole money from? not to mention the same one you opened your legs for?

I gasped because how could she throw that in my face before we could both process it, I had slapped her.

Alyssa: oh my goodness. Damiana I-I'm so sorry I didn't mean to.

She looked at me like she was about to beat the living crap out of me, so I started panicking and crying. She came closer to me and I flinched, I have never seen her like this, so I was scared to death.

She gently removes my arms from my face before caressing my face.

Damiana: I'm not going to hurt you.

Tears start pouring from my eyes again and she wipes them away. How could I lay my hands on her? I'm mad at her but that doesn't give me the right.

Alyssa: (cry) I'm so sorry I shouldn't have hit you.

Damiana: it's okay I crossed the line I shouldn't have said that after you trusted me with your body.

Alyssa: please unlock the door I want to leave.

Damiana: let me drive you it's quite late.

Alyssa: I'll get a cab.

Damiana: please I want to make sure you're safe.

I nod then she unlocks the door. I walk out then find Theo talking to some people, she gives me prenatal vitamins then we say goodbye. After that Damiana drives me home. The tension in the car could be cut with a dull knife. Honestly, I'm still pretty mad at Damiana but I let her take me home because I feel guilty for what I did.


I think I'll start posting randomly however I'll still post on Tuesdays but I might post any other day of the week when I feel like it.

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