Chapter XLIII

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Theodore's POV

Alyssa has been in here for six hours now and she was still unconscious. I've been here with her ever since because I wanted to keep a close eye on her and monitor her stats. I really don't get why she would risk her life like that, not eating is not good for her.

However, I'm glad she collapsed while she was here because if she was found later than she was found it could've been detrimental to her health. Currently I have her connected to an IV Solution to help her hydrate and regain some vitamins.

Ever since I got the results, I've been contemplating how to tell her. I'm not sure if she knows or not but I honestly think she isn't aware, so I'm scared to tell her because I don't know how she'll take it.

I'm also glad Damiana's coming back because I really need them to sort out their issues if they want Alyssa to be fine because it's really taking a toll on her health. Unless Damiana wants to send her to an early grave.

Just as I'm lost in my own thoughts, I hear a groan coming from Alyssa. I stand up and go to her side. She opens her eyes and tries to sit up but hiss and grab her head which I assume hurts.

Theo: hey relax you're okay.

Alyssa: (hiss) where am I? what happened?

Theo: you're in a hospital.

Alyssa: (groan) why? what happened?

Theo: you passed out due to dehydration and exhaustion.

She looks away from me, she could clearly see the disappointment in my eyes. I don't know why she does this to herself, she knows very well that her health will deteriorate if she doesn't eat.

Alyssa: I'm sorry.

Theo: (sigh) it's okay you're connected to an IV Solution

Alyssa: thank you.

Theo: tell me something, have you been feeling well?

Alyssa: not really, I've been fatigued and very dizzy lately why? is there something wrong with my heart? Oh my goodness I'm going to die?

Theo: calm down there's nothing wrong with your heart you're fine.

Alyssa: okay then what's going on?

Theo: when last did you get your period?

Alyssa: I was supposed to get it a few weeks ago but it never ca- wait you think I'm pregnant?

I take the results paper from the side of the nightstand and give it to her. She takes it and scans it then looks at me confused.

Alyssa: uh what am I looking for again?

''Here'' I say pointing where she's supposed to read when she saw it, she looked at the paper then me then the paper again.

Alyssa: how accurate is this test?

Theo: 98.99%

She slowly sits up and stares at me like I'm crazy.

Alyssa: (panic) wait Theo what are you saying to me?

Theo: that you're five weeks pregnant.

She put her hands in her head and looks at me in disbelief again.

Alyssa: Theo, are you sure?

Theo: these are blood tests so I'm pretty sure.

Alyssa: oh, my goodness what have I gotten myself into?

Tears start pooling in her eyes then the ECG besides her starts beeping and her heartbeat becomes irregular.

Theo: Alyssa, I need you to calm down.

Alyssa: (cry) not please I can't be pregnant we only did it once.

Theo: I'm afraid you can get pregnant when you only did it once.

Alyssa: I know that I'm just trying to process all of this. I mean how am I supposed to raise a baby? Theo I'm only twenty and I don't know anything about babies. To top it off Damiana hates me.

Theo: no, she doesn't hate you.

Alyssa: yes, she does!

Theo: she doesn't, she's on her way here as we speak.

I got more beeps from the ECG I guess this whole Damiana situation angered her.

Theo: Alyssa please calm down, you're going to put your life as well as the baby's in danger.

Alyssa: (cry) I don't want to have this baby.

She started wailing and the ECG started beeping rapidly so I had no choice but to sedate her. After injecting the sedative in her IV bag she slowly calms down until she falls asleep. Well that definitely did not go as planned; she took it worse than I thought.

It was so painful seeing Alyssa like that, but I had to tell her. The zia (aunt) in me hurt when she said she doesn't want the baby. I truly hope she said that in the spur of the moment because I can assure you Damiana will be over the moon.


A few hours later I 'm woken up by the creaking of the door opening and footsteps. I sat up straight but damn my neck hurt I shouldn't have fallen asleep on this couch.

Damiana: Cos'è successo?
(what happened?)

Theo: ciao anche a te
(hello to you too)

Damiana: (sigh) Theo per favore non ora
(Theo please not now)

I roll my eyes such an asshole.

Damiana: Sta bene?
(is she alright?)

Theo: Sì, starà bene
(yes, she's going to be fine)

Damiana: Cos'è successo?
(what happened?)

Theo: crollò
(she collapsed.)

Damiana: Perché qual è il problema?
(why what's the matter?)

Theo: Era disidratata ed esausta
(she was dehydrated and exhausted)

Damiana: Allora non dovrebbe essere sveglia a quest'ora?
(then shouldn't she be up by now?)

Theo: si è svegliata ma ho dovuto sedarla
(she did wake up but I had to sedate her.)

Damiana: Perche dovresti farlo?
(why would you do that?)

Theo: c'è qualcosa di importante che devo dirti
(there's something important I need to tell you)

Damiana: Allora perché non parli?
(then why aren't you talking?)

Her patience with me was running really thin now so I decide to just rip off the band aid.

Theo: Alyssa è incinta
(Alyssa is pregnant)

I watch the rage in her eyes slowly dissipate into warmth. Her usually dead eyes glistens.

Damiana: Sei sicuro?
(are you sure?)

Theo: mm lei diventerà madre e lo sei anche tu
(mm she's going to be a mother and so are you.)

I see her resist a smile before softly looking at Alyssa, she goes to her side and kiss her hand. See I told you she wants kids.

Damiana: A che punto è?
(how far along is she?)

Theo: cinque settimane
(five weeks)

Her eyes never left Alyssa then she smiles and kiss her hand again.

Damiana: (mumble) Ti amo da impazzire
(I love you so much)

She takes a chair and sits next to her, clutching her hand for dear life. She seemed very delighted, and I was happy for her. She seemed to want Alyssa to wake up right away, but I'm not sure she's ready for that.


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