•Shower Love•

685 7 8

LEO x Male reader

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Thx for the request my friend!

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Thx for the request my friend!


You and Leo were on look out duty eating pizza. You were looking down at the city you loved most. Ever since the Invitation that almost took place you saw the world differently and so did Leo. He couldn't stop thinking of what would have happened if he didn't do anything. It scared him but he didn't want you to worry. After eating you stretch looking down. Soon you saw a mud like villain.

•Y/n pov•

I saw a mud villain? Wow that's a new one. Leo and I looked at each other and nodded. We both jumped down as Leo opened a portal. He is so cute with a smile on his dum face. It is no secret that I liked the blue turtle. Only April and Mikey knew. As we fell in the portal we ran to the mud monster and pulled out my weapon. 

" Hold on Y/N this will get messy!"

I faced palmed myself at his bad but funny jokes. We both jumped in and started the fight.

+1 hour later+

"Wow that guy was stronger then he looked"

"Naw he was easy"

I looked at the turtle. He just grinned at me with his stupid smile. I looked down at my cloths. I really need a shower right now. I sighed as I started walking to my apartment. 

•Leonardo pov•

I saw him look at his cloths and sigh. I looked down to see me full of mud too. Maybe I could use his shower! 

" Yo! Y/n wait up!!!!"

I ran to him. He turned around and looked up at me. God he is so cute. What I'm a thinking!? April would tease me all day and I wouldn't hear the end of it. I snapped out of my thoughts.

"What is it Leo?"

" C-could I shower at your place?"

Shit why did I stutter like that!

• No Ones Pov •

Y/n thought about it for a moment. His mother wouldn't be back for a week for her business trip. So today was perfect! 

" Sure! Just follow me."

Leo nodded with a smile on his face. The boys walked around the city for 15 minutes talking and laughing about the mess they looked. Soon they made it to Y/n's apartment. They made it to the room. 

"Okay just chill a bit while I get towels"

•Leo Pov•

Alrighty I'll just hop in the shower then! I walked into the bath room taking off my mask and my belts. I left my swords in the couch. After cleaning them of course! I started the warm water on my back feel relaxed and cleaner by the minute. God this feels so nic- 


Was that the door

•Y/n's Pov•

I grabbed all the things I needed for my shower. Leo can just wait until I'm done. I got towels and my rope. After taking off the muddy clothes I put the robe on. I opened the bathroom taking off my robe and walking in the shower. The water was already on? I feel something behind...

" ummm Y-Y/n can you s-stop moving"


"I can leave if you want!"

Leo was going to walk out when Y/n took his hand. 

" N-no you can stay"

" Oh okay!"

I tried to think of a way to make things less awkward. Oh! I know know. I turned the lever at the wall of the shower and made it into a bath. I then handed him the shampoo. 

" if you want we can take a bath together and you can play with my hair"



We both sat in the tub as Leo played with my short/long hair. I soon felt relaxed and lead my back on Leo's hard shelled chest. Was his heart always this fast?

•Leo Pov •

Omg this is like a dream come true for me. His skin is so soft and smooth. I love playing with his hair to! It's so soft and silky. If only turtles had hair :(

( # Leoxhair! )

I looked down at Y/n. I still remember when the invasion happened. When they took him and Raph  away from me. I still remember all the blood and pain Y/n went through. It hurts just to think about it...

I felt a tears running down my cheeks. They hit Y/n head.

•Y/n's Pov•

I felt something fall I'm on my head down my face. I looked up to see Leonardo crying!? Oh no did I make him uncomfortable or does he think I'm gross. 

" L-Leo are you okay?"

He rapped his arms around me. He then held my scarred arm bringing it up to his face. He planned kisses on it not breaking eye contact with me.

" I'm sorry I couldn't save you in time.."

I looked at him for a full minute. The rapped him in my arms. 

" Your a dork Leonardo..."

" B-But it true the one person I love got hurt I I could to anything"

Leo paused at his works. He really is a dork.  I then cupped this cheeks and leaned in for a soft slow kiss. Then I remembered we need air. We broke the kiss for a breath.

" I Love you to Leo"

" R-Really!?"

I kissed him again. This time with more passion. We again broke for breath because fuck air! He looked at me. Soon I saw his eyes glisten and his cheeks grow red and then it grew darker.

" I-I like that as a yes"



Thanks for the request this has to be one of my favorite ones to write!

I hope it wasn't to long or to short. It is about 958 words! Wow that's a lot and my new record too. 💙💙💙

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