•Food fight•

373 7 3

Mikey x Gn reader


All the brothers were out so you a Mike wanted to try and make some pizza. Mikey didn't even know people could make it besides restaurants. So when you told him he ran to the kitchen and begged you to tell him how to make it. So you went to buy the supplies and the food you guys needed. When you got back Mikey was playing Mincraft waiting for you. 

"Yay your back!"

He screamed hugging you like your were gone for years but it was like 15 minutes. You hugged him back.

•Y/n Pov •

"Alright let get cooking!"

He smiled and started flipping the dough. He was flipping it super high though. I gave him a worried look. He looked at me mid flip and said

"Don't worry I see chefs do this all the ti-"

Plop! The dough fell on my face.


I grabbed the dough and threw some at this face. 


I started throwing all the dough a Mikey. Soon he started throwing it back at me. It got all in my hair and it was a mess. I looked up a Mikey glaring daggers at him. He started putting his head in his shell. 


I ran at him throwing everything on the counter at him. He was pretty good at dodging them. I then threw a pizza roller at him by accident. I gasped I didn't mean to do that. It hit his shell right on the chest. I ran to him.

•Mikey Pov•

They threw a roller at me by accident. It hit my shell tho so it didn't really hurt. I heard Y/N gasp. They ran to me cupping my face. 

"Mikey are you okay"

They are so sweet. I kind of want more of this attention though. Maybe it hurt a little bit. Hehehe. I groaned in pain.

"I-It hurt a little bit"

I gave them puppy eyes. That seem to work because they put their hands on my chest feeling. Their little hand on my chest made my face heat up a bit. They put more pressure on it check where the pain could be.

"Does it hurt here?"

I thought for a minute.

"I little higher"

They traveled here hands closer to my neck. I wonder what they are going to do?


"Y-yeah right there.."

They then kissed that spot. It was just a little peck. Their lips felt so warm and soft like a feather. My face heated up more.

"Do you feel better?"


Best day of my life 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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