• Bookworm •

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Another one from:

I just love this person their requests are the f¥€£ing best!

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I just love this person their requests are the f¥€£ing best!


Y/n Pov

" Yo Donnie I got the books you wanted!"

You said caring a huge stacks of books. Wobbling over to Donnie's desk.

"Ah Thx Y/n I would go myself but I'm banned from the supernatural library."

Ever sense the time they destroyed half of the library. That bat lady even vented all about it to you. So you didn't mention to her you knew them.  You looked over Donnie's shoulder seeing he was working on fixing Sheldon's broken hover board. The poor thing hit a wall.

" Sheldon stay still!"

"1011010 you!"

" Language!"

I  just giggled at the father and son relationship as I put my hand in my back pack to take a look at my new fantasy book. I then payed my stomach on Donnie's bed opening my book. I then start reading. I felt something starring at me. I turned my head to see Donnie whip his head back to Sheldon. I giggled knowing he probably wanted to know what I was read. 

"So what are you reading?"

I knew he would say that 

" It a Fantasy book about a girl who meet a cute shy frog prince and has to save him with a kiss it's a bit different from princess and the frog though. Kind of like the story but much different! "

" Oh was he always human or was he a frog mutant?"

I just started laughing 

"What!? This is why I'm not so interested in fantasy"

He then gave a pouty face at me continuing his work. Sheldon was soon fox and started flying everywhere.

"Sheldon your going to break something!"

Donnie was pissed. Ever since Sheldon got his age 13 chip he has been sure sassy and hyper. He never listens to Donnie.

"Sheldon do you wanna read with with me?"

"Yeah! I would love too <3"

But he always listens to me. I find it cute. Donnie thinks it very help full. Soon Donnie sat a cross from me on the bed holding his new book too. It was something about construction of a solar panel.

"Why do you need to know how to make a solar panel?"

" It's for Sheldon for the could have a better sleeping schedule and it might help with his mood swings. Also thanks for the book of how to understand teenagers. Even though I am one it's still hard to understand Sheldon"

He said patting Sheldon on the head. You nodded going back to reading your book. You turned you page.

Donnie Pov

I saw Y/n turn the page with their cheeks grew red. What are they reading anyway? I tried to peek but Y/n just scooted farther away from me. So I used my totally awesome ninja skill and got the book. They then lunged to get the book back I just put my hand holding them back as I tried to look at the page. I opened the to see thing wrong at all just words. Until I read...

'Then the turtle turned into a prince at took her away'

"I thought you said it was a frog"

"No I said like a frog!"

"What ever Bookworm"

I throughly the book back at them. The just pouted at me as they kept reading the last page. Soon their book was done and they got bored.

"Hey Donnie"

"Yes Y/n"

"Could you tell me more about your book?"


hours later

Soon it was 12:46 and you and Donnie talk all about fantasy and Science.  Soon Y/n lead on Donnie's shoulder.

•Y/n Pov•

I'm getting a bit sleepy. Soon I landed my head on Donnie's shoulder then felt him flinch. Oh CRAP I FORGOT HE HATES GETTING TOUCHED!!! I quickly pick up my head and sat straight.

" I'm so sorry Donnie I forgot you hate being touched!"

"N-no it's fine it was kind of n-nice"

What do I get a pass? Nice! I then lead on Donnie's snuggling into his arms. His heart was beating softly and he feels so warm. I just can't help but...

Donnie Pov

I can't believe I just did that and now they are cuddling with me. No Donnie you shouldn't let them win. Then I hear small snoring. I looked down to see them fast asleep on my chest. They looked so cute I just have to. 

" hey Sheldon could you get a blanket for Y/n?"

"Sure pops"

He then drop a nice cozy blanket on Y/n and I. I saw the book still in their hand. I then took the book at read the last page.

' My lady I promise as your prince I will never leave your side and love you for all my days'

The prince then planted a kiss on the girl's soft lips again...

I then looked down at Y/n. What if I could be their Prince that cares and loves them forever. What if they kissed me with their soft lips and fell for me. What if we lived happily ever after...

I kissed their head and wrapped us both in the blanket snugging and feel e others warmth. 

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