Chapter eleven.

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Kyojuro walked along a path the girl before told him that the demon had gone.

He wanted to speak with akaza about his inhuman way of killing, but thinking about it just ticked off the hashira.

'Where is he?' He thought, looking at some footprints.

'He must be cold.' The hashira wondered, maybe demons didn't get cold.

A branch breaking dragged the attention of the hashira, when he suddenly heard a yell.

"Ah shit- FUUUUU-" then a demon plummeted into the bushes beside kyojuro.

The demon shook some leaves off his head, throwing a stick to the side.

"I found you." Kyojuro spoke up, unsheathing his sword and pointing it at akaza.

"Woah, woah- what's with the sudden violence?" The upper moon asked, putting his hands up in defence.

The hashira burrowed his brows, his usual smile already long gone.

"Why'd you eat that demon slayer?" He asked.

Akaza perked, "how'd you know about that?" He asked, chuckling nervously.

"It doesn't matter, just answer me." Kyojuro responded, frowning.

The upper moon went silent, then shrugged. "What? I was hungry." he snapped, walking away.

The hashira watched, then tightened the grip on his sword.

"You killed an innocent human being with a family member!" He suddenly shouted, causing the demon to stop.

"So? I can't let myself starve." Akaza stated, burrowing his brows.

"Why not? Nezuko can-" the hashira suddenly covered his mouth, wondering if he said too much.

"What?" Akaza raised a brow, turning to the hashira.

Kyojuro glanced around, "nothing!" He chuckled, trying to run off.

Akaza quickly grabbed his wrist, stopping him.

"Who's nezuko? And what do you mean that they 'can'?" The upper moon asked, pulling the hashira towards him.

Despite their 2 inch height difference, that didn't stop the shorter one from being demanding.

(A/n: bottoms😒 /j)

"I meant- uhm.." Kyojuro didn't know what to do, since this wasn't really on his bucket list.

"It was nothing! It just slipped." He tried to tug his arm away, but failed.

"Kyojuro, you just told me that there's some demon out there that doesn't have to eat." Akaza smirked.

Kyojuro looked around, "well, yes- but I will not tell you where she is!" He announced, backing away.

The upper moon followed, having the same cheeky glare.

Suddenly kyojuro stopped, slightly leaning back against a tree.

"Obviously, you know I won't kill you." Akaza reminded, glancing at the hashira's sword.

"Yes.. but that doesn't mean you won't try!" The hashira blurted, his face red.

The upper moon raised a brow, chuckling slightly.

Akaza slowly placed his hand over kyojuro's, smirking as he heard his breath hitch.

"I mean.. who really needs a sword?" The upper moon whispered, grabbing the sword from the hashira as he was about to drop it.

The demon dropped the sword behind him, then kicked it away from them.

"Well- uhm.." Kyojuro looked around, his face matching his hair tips.

Akaza smirked, leaning in.

The hashira slightly furrowed his brows, trying to lean away.

Quickly, the demon slightly unbuttoned the hashira's top.

The upper moon glanced up at the beaten hashira, smirking a bit.

Kyojuro looked away, covering his mouth.

"Hm~? What? Afraid I'll do something worse?" Akaza stood up, but kept one of his hands on a certain button of the hashiras shirt.

The said hashira was internally screaming by now, since he'd never expected to be this close to a demon. In this way.

"Well, I- i never said i was afraid." Kyojuro muttered, straightening his posture a bit.

Akaza chuckled slightly, scanning over the hashira for a moment.

"I have duties to attend to!" The hashira suddenly announced, pushing the demon aside and walking quickly off.

Akaza felt annoyed for a moment, then chased after and snagged the hashira's wrist.

Kyojuro looked at Akaza, his face cold.

"Woah- what happened to the flustered mess before?" The demon joked, chuckling quietly.

"Do not pretend your just trying to fuck me so i become a demon, thats the only reason your sticking around.

Akaza widened his eyes, "what?" He muttered.

Kyojuro snatched his wrist away, walking off deeper into the forest.

Akaza stood there, stunned from what was just said.

'Wait.. what ? He thinks that?' He thought, looking at his hands.

"I.. am I the problem?"

Word count: 658

(A/n: short chapter b/c i might get my phone taken for having a D in a class. Might be a week, might be two. Pray for me.)

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