The bird and the shadows.

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Fire swirled from #1, fire hero, Endevor's 🔥agency. Sirens screamed in the distance. You ran through some alleyways to get away from the scene asap. You were wearing a black hoodie, gray pants, and tall black boots. + your hood was up so no one could see your face. But even then you had a black mask on over your nose and mouth just incase. You ran into one of the alleyways and leaned against the wall. Out of breath and panting you listened for the sound of anyone coming. You were sure they would send a hero to look for you but you heard no one. You spent a couple of minutes trying to calm your breathing. After awhile you continued walking but you felt like you were being watched. You walked across a bridge into a different part of town but you still felt like you were being watched. You quickly ran into another alley and paused. Looking into your black leather bag you looked at the small file. "All this work for that?" You said frustrated. "I wonder why shiggy wants this so much? Not like there's that much in the file." Just then you saw movement out of the corner of your eye. You turned to look at it and you saw #2, winged hero, Hawks 🦅. You felt scared, cause all though you had managed to steal from Endever's agency you did it in secret, you were actually horrible at combat. You started to run, scared that he found you, and scared to be turned in. Even though he was famous for speed, you didn't think of that, you just ran. You ran out of that alley and in to another a couple of buildings down. You looked around at the alley you ran into, and you felt doomed, it was a dead end. Just then you turned to hear a noise coming from behind some trashcans, and to your relief it was only a cat, but your relief didn't last long when you felt a tap on your shoulder. Your heart raced as you turned around to see non other than Hawks. You slowly backed up but soon found yourself completely against the back wall. "Now what's a pretty lady like you doing in these alleys so late at night?" He said kindly. You looked up at him, you couldn't tell if he was joking or if he was really this stupid. You tried to speak but you couldn't, finding it difficult to answer. "Come on, cat gotcha tongue?" He said with a smirk. "I-umm." You still found it difficult to find the words to say. "Don't worry, I don't bite. I came to see if you were ok. you know walking through alleyways, at night, all alone is dangerous for anyone especially a cute little girl like you." "Did he just call me cute?" you thought to yourself. "Come on, I'll take you home, so I can make sure you get there safely." "Th-thank you." You replied. Then you started walking with Hawks just slightly behind you. You clutched the strap of your bag just in case Hawks knew you were the villain and tried to take it from you. You both walked a little ways and soon find yourself on a bridge over the water the moonlight was shining on the river, the stars were twinkling in the sky, and there was a beautiful breeze. You stopped on the bridge leaning on the rail and looking around, you completely forgot about the hero standing right behind you. "You look like a criminal with that mask on." Hawks said from behind you. "I guess your right." You said pulling your mask off and putting it in your pocket. Hawks chuckled. "What?" You questioned. "Nothing your just kind of cute." He said looking in your eyes. "Thanks."You turned away looking back over the bridge. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You felt Hawks watching you so you turned back to look at him. "What now?" You asked as you saw him staring at you. "Are we going to your house or not?" Hawks asked with a smirk. "Fine." You said in a fake annoyed tone. You two continued walking, the whole time you were thinking about how dumb you were for taking off your mask in front of Hawks. "Now he knows what I look like." You thought to yourself. "What if he turns me in, to the police." You were very uneasy. "But, he could have turned me in, long before now, they don't call him the fastest hero for nothing. So is he really this stupid?" Before long you came across an apartment building and knew you need to pretend you lived there because of course you couldn't lead Hawks to the lov's lare. "Well this is my stop." You said as soon as you reached the door. "Thanks for bringing me home safely." No problem." Hawks replied"it was a pleasure getting to know you." "Same to you." You said opening the door and going inside. You waited for Hawks to fly away before sneakily leaving the building and running to an old part of town. Soon the buildings were getting more and more broken down until finally you got to the abandoned part of town. You ran into one of the buildings and down to the basement. You soon reached the main hideout. Kurogiri 💨 was at the bar, dabi 💙 was sitting at the bar, shigaraki ✋ was on the couch watching tv, toga🩸 and twice ✌️ were sitting on another couch talking, spinner 🔪was sitting at the table, and mr, compress 🎩was leaning against the wall. When you came down the stairs everyone turned to look at you and shiggy didn't look pleased. "WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG IDIOT ?" He yelled at you. "Chill out shiggy, I had to ditch a hero, but I got it." You pulled the file out and handed it to shiggy. "Which hero was it? Did you kill them?" Toga asked excitedly. "Toga relax, y/n could never kill a hero." Dabi said from the bar. "Just Hawks" you said pretending to be annoyed. Everyone stared at you. You, y/n, the one member whose skills and quirk could burn down an entire city but not kill a hero, had run into #2, winged hero, Hawks and ditched him without being arrested. "Well now that y/n is here, everyone to your rooms!" Shiggy demanded. "Your not my mom shiggy." Dabi said. "Yeah, why do we have a bedtime?" Toga (the only child there.) asked. "I mean I don't know about you all, but, I'm going to bed." You announced. "Ok, sleep well." Mr, compress added. You went and laid down on your bed. You couldn't stop thinking about Hawks. "I mean he called me cute." You whispered to yourself.

Hawks x villain y/nWhere stories live. Discover now