Clingy much?

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A few weeks had passed and seeing Hawks was not uncommon. There was some reason why he needed to go to UA at least once every week. Once at UA he would say that he might as well check on 1A. He would then watch you from a distance, come over and talk to you, or follow  you around. Because of this Neito Monama 👻from 1B often mocked you. You didn't mind that much, after all once the villains beat the heroes once and for all you could kill him, but in the meantime you'd just have to deal with it. One evening when 1A was all in the common room. Izuku walked up to you. "Hey Y/N! I've got a question. Why does Hawks follow you around everywhere?" He asked. "I don't know Izuku. Why does All Might always follow you?" You replied. The whole room started looking at you. "Shinzo please say you didn't just bring us another Bakugo." Shoto ❄️🔥, Endeavor's son said. "Sorry." You said. "To answer your question Izuku, I don't know." "It's okay, I was just curious."he said cheerfully. You sat in your bed a few hours later thinking about it. "I lashed out at Midoria. The nicest boy in our class. It's going to blow my cover if I let my villainous temper show." You whispered to your self. Just then you heard a knock on your door. "Come in." You said. You recognized the shadow of wings in the doorway. "Hawks?" You said looking at the doorway. Hi Y/n I heard you weren't really yourself today and came to check on you. You looked away from him and hid your face in your knees. For a moment there was just silence. But you soon heard him coming closer. All of a sudden you felt his arms rap around you and his wings cover all but your head. You looked up at him. He was resting his head on your shoulder. His eyes were shut and he just seemed calm and relaxed. "It's ok. Everyone has bad days Y/n, But I'll help you through it." He said softly. For once you didn't feel even a little bit annoyed by his presence. Actually you felt happy, relaxed, and safe in his arms. "Thanks Hawks." You whispered. "Call me Keigo. Keigo Takami." He replied. You giggled a bit. "Ok then Keigo." You smiled. You couldn't help cuddling into him as he hugged you tighter. You didn't want the moment to end. "Hey Y/n?" He asked after a while. "Yeah?" You replied. "Well I was wondering, would you like to make it official?"

The next morning you stumbled out of bed and started getting ready. You felt tired cause you couldn't sleep last night after what happened. Hawks- I mean Keigo had confessed to you. You slowly walked downstairs. The smell of pancakes filled the dorms. When you reached the kitchen you saw Momo cooking breakfast for everyone. Most of the class was already hanging out in the living room. The only ones that weren't there were Shinso, Denki, Toru🫥, and Sero🕸. "Hey Y/n!" Kirishima called. "Come sit with us!" You slowly walked over to him and sat beside him. You and the rest of the group talked for awhile until you heard the dorm's doorbell. Momo walked over to the door. "Must be our guest." She said excitedly. By now Shinso, Sero, Toru, and Denki were coming down the stairs to see what was going on. Momo opened the door and you just about died of embarrassment. "Hey everyone!" Keigo said as he walked in the door. You looked down at your lap not knowing how to reacted. You had agreed to be official but you didn't know how your friends would react especially Shinso.
He was over protective of you back then and seemed to still be now. Looking away didn't help though. Keigo immediately saw you. He quickly walked over to you. "Baby bird!" He said cheerfully as he came up and hugged you from behind, his wings wrapped around you. Heavy blush flooded your cheeks as the whole room stared at you two. "You two are dating!" Mina👽 yelled. "Congrats!" Kiri smile. "Since when?!" Deku asked. "Since last night." Keigo said proudly. He had let go of you but still kept his hands on your shoulders. "Awesome!" Denki cheered from the stairs. You looked at Shinso. He looked as if he was ready to kill, trying to comprehend what he just heard, and like he was proud at the same time. You couldn't tell how he felt but one thing you did know,

                   Keigo did this on purpose.

Hawks x villain y/nWhere stories live. Discover now