Chapter 2

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(To whoever is reading this thank you!!
I'm new to posting my fanfiction here. My life is super crazy right now, but I will try to upload as soon as I can. Again thank you all!)

           It has been a couple of months since then. You and Adaman have been hanging out a lot more than you use to. You were walking back to the obsidian fields camp when you were grabbed from  behind. You tried to fight back, but you were knocked out. When you woke up you were certainly surprised to see Volo. "Volo what are you doing!" You were in a mix of anger and confusion. "Don't think that just because you won the fight. Means you beat me I will make you pay."

        You try to get up, but then realize your hands are tied. "I wouldn't try to escape if I were you." "You won't get away with this. You dumb, blonde haired, jer-" You  were cut off by him smacking you across the face. . . hard. You had tears in your eyes threatening to fall. "YOU BETTER WATCH YOUR TONGUE BEFORE I DECIDE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT FOR YOU!!"
You were scared as he yelled.

      He grabbed you face hurting you in the process. Forcing you to look at him. "I will forgive you this time, but if you try to escape or if you outburst like that again. I will punish you." He said an angry glint in his eye. "Y-yes sir. . ." You looked down at the ground for he had let go of your face. A dark bruise now dawning on your face. His warning however did not stop you.

    When you have finally given up all hopes of escaping. You were bruised, and bleeding from all the cuts he had inflicted on you. You had lost all hope until one day you heard a familiar voice. "Y/N!!!"

  (Sorry for the cliffhanger, but the next chapter is going to be about how the others found you.)

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