Chapter 4

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        You woke up to Adaman playing with your hair. "Wait, Adaman! Is this a dream, am I going crazy!?" "No, my dove this is real. Now what happened, who did this to you?" He said turning serious while holding your face carefully. "Volo, it was Volo. . ." You said looking down. "Volo . . . Stay here, Mia is in the next room don't leave the cabin!"

(17 minutes later)

        "I'm back my dove!" "Adaman your back!" You say smiling. "My dove I talked with Cyllene, and she has sent a search out for Volo. I told  Mia that I could take care of you from here." He laid down next to you, and put an arm around you. He played with your hair silently before speaking again. "I've missed you, my dear. I was so worried when you went missing. I love you more than anything else. Even the time that I once held dear will never compare to you. I would give up anything in the world just to be with you and to keep you safe"

        "Do you really mean tha-" You were cut off by him kissing you passionately. He was on top of you careful not to hurt you, because he knew your scars were sensitive. "Yes, I mean it my queen" You were blushing 5 shades of red. You never had someone say something like that to you before, or even kiss you as a matter of fact. "Is something the matter dear?" "Oh no! It's just that was my first kiss, and it felt. . . . Magical" His eyes widened "Wait you've never been in a relationship before. I mean neither have I, but your so beautiful"

         You kissed him this time cutting him off. He kissed back more passionate than before. "I love you Adaman" "I love you to, my love"

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