Chapter 6

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  (Sorry this has taken a while I was busy)
   You and Adaman looked at the two new comers. They were your siblings but how where they there. "We fell through the time Portal!" Your little sister explained excitedly, pointing at the time rift. They look at Adaman "Who is this?" Your little brother asked confused of the situation. "I am Adaman, a Y/N's lover."

       Your sister went wide eyed while your brother looked at Adaman for a second, then turned his attention to you. "So, this is where you have been for the past two years?" "Yes, it is. Want me to take you to the village?" They both nod their heads and follow you and Adaman.

(After going to the village and introducing them to everyone)

      Your brother was in the lab with Rei and Laventon doing research. While your sister was with the nurses learning how to bandage a wound. This left time for you and Adaman spend time together alone.

You and Adaman were in your cabin. You were reading a book about pokemon's habitats. Adaman was playing with your hair and trying to get your attention. When none of his attempts worked he grabbed you by your waist and pulled you into a kiss. "If you wanted my attention you could have asked." You said pulling away. "Yeah, but I like this way of getting it more." Adaman pulled you into another kiss. The kisses were loving and sweet.

       Adaman kept kissing you as he pinned you to the wall. All of a sudden someone knocked on the door. Adaman pulled away. "We can continue this later, my love." Adaman let go of you, so you could answer the door. It was cyllene. "You left this at the lab." She handed you the flute you got on Wyrdeer mountain. "Thank you, Captain Cyllene." "Your welcome Y/N, now I must get back to work." She left as you shut the door. Adaman wrapped his arms around you. "Now where were we love."

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