Kyun dard hai itna tere isqh mein??Epilogue

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Few years later :

Arnav: Khushi thank you.

Khushi : I should be thanking you Arnavji for making me mom and making us parents .

They both kissed the baby and Arnav kissed her hairline . Life has never been this blissful.

Both admire their baby girl . Arnav leans over her shoulder while she holds baby in her hand cuddling her .

Arnav: what shall we name her , princess ?

Khushi: Arushi Singh Raizada.

Khushi said right away not keeping her gaze away from the baby.

Arnav: that's a beautiful name wifey .

Khushi: yes it is but only if you agree .

Arnav: I do I love it , I love it a lot and I love you .... Sooo much.

Saying that he kisses her shoulder gently . As she blushes .

Khushi: stop romancing Mr Raizada , now you are a dad and this is not our bedroom. This is a hospital.

Arnav: I know but it's doesn't say anywhere that I can't romance my wife here , does it ? . A little is ok for now right ?

Khushi smiles and he placed the baby down in the cradle and winks at her .

Soon after all the family came over and celebrated the newest member of the family .

Khushi was discharged from the hospital with the baby and they did a prayer for the naming ceremony . They baby has Been a blessing in disguise for all as she keeps them busy throughout the day. Dadi has never seemed this happy and takes care of the baby more then anyone else .

After 6months post pregnancy:

Arnav and Khushi are at the doctors office .

Khushi: doctor is everything ok.

Doctor: yes my child all is fine . You have maintained yourself so well. No complications and everything had healed up just like it was suppose to .

Arnav was so desperate to be with Khushi for the past 6months they have been so busy either the baby and he was so worried that he might hurt Khushi that he kept distance in being physically active .

Arnav : doctor are you sure I mean I don't want her to ...

He stopped knowing how desperate he sounds .

Doctor :yes Mr Raizada don't be hesitant as I get that question more often from new parents . My answer is yes any intimacy won't harm her in anyway now.

Khushi blushes as Arnav looks at her with concern filled eyes . They both head back to RM.

Dadi was sitting with baby girl who has just had milk and is now playing with a rattle toy which is scattered around her as she lays on the cushion near dadi.

Dadi: how was the appointment ?

Arnav: it was good , I just have a important call to make I'll be right back. Khushi stay with Nani .

He looks at Khushi then kisses the baby and heads to the room .

Khushi sits near Nani and presses her legs while the baby plays . They both adore her .

Khushi: the appointment went well . Dr said I'm all well now and don't need to see her unless needed .

Dadi: Khushi beta that is great news . I know you must be tired , go freshen up and rest a little . I will takecare of baby . She will sleep soon and I will take her to my room if she does . Go beta take rest . You seem very exhausted and tired .

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KYUN HAI DARD ITNA TERE ISQH MEIN ?? ( COMPLETE)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें