Kyun dard hai itna tere isqh mein ?? Part 8

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To clear any doubts:
"Story continues from the huge misunderstanding and marriage taking place . After asking if Arnav and Khushi want to get remarried in two weeks both denied .. "

"khushi POV:   she said no to remarriage .....she wanted him to recover instead of worrying about the rituals and in her eyes even though they got married under misunderstanding and difficult circumstance all the wedding vows were completed with proper mantra in front of the holy fire ..... she believes this marriage is enough ... but legally they are still not bonded , but this thinking is justifiable because she is a traditionally raised up girl and for her the vermillion and her sacred mangalsutra and wedding vows he took with her in his arms means more then the any legality..."

"Arnav POV :   he said no to remarriage looking at the current situation he is in... in no good senses he can say yes.. he knows he is injured and he doesn't want to make things worse for his family and khushi because she is still shaken from the facts of forced marriage ... he is Happy with the small fact that she has agreed to be with him during difficult times and did not run away from him or her responsibilities but accepted the marriage and ....him ?? Which he is still in doubt about ... did she accept him??

We will see ....

So without further a due ....

Story starts from hospital :

Arnav and Khushi had dinner that she got from home ... she cooks for him and he has never had such awesome food in the longest time ever since his mom passed away...only if Nani decides to make food then he gets it else the cook makes it ...

After dinner Arnav went back to arguing with the doctor when he came in to check on him ... this has been going on for the past couple days ...let's see what the doctor says today .....

Arnav: please doctor ... I'm telling you ... I'm fine ...

Khushi: but Arnav.....

Arnav: khushi please ...

He said pleadingly .. she shifted her look to the doctor to see what he says ...

Doctor : are you sure ASR ??... i mean .....I wanted to keep you for atleast a couple more days to keep an eye on your recovery .

Arnav: If I stay close to the people I love then recovering from this will be faster then if I stay here doctor ... I hope you know what I mean ..

He said looking at khushi ... It's been long time now that Arnav has been injured. He is getting discharged from the hospital tonight after a lot of pleading for the past couple days but he still needs to be taken care off. He has recovered but not fully
from the stab and stitches but due to his demand , the doctor is allowing him to go home under one condition and that is that khushi is going to take care of him. He has seen how she has taken care of him all this time while he has been at the hospital ... no one else would have been able to handle his anger when it came to sponge bathe and cleaning the wound ...

Doctor : I must say Mrs Raizada your husband is lucky to have you....

Arnavs gaze meets khushi when the doctor comments that .. she looks at him then looks away quickly ...

Doctor continues : if you stay close to him anything is possible ... it's a miracle how he has recovered so fast ....but please Mrs Raizasda make sure he takes his meds on time it's really important that he finishes all his meds for better recovery . He will be back in a couple days and we will see how the healing process is . In the meantime don't let him do anything physical until then like lifting / pushing /pulling /bending ... he needs to be at rest .. he can work but no physical activity.

KYUN HAI DARD ITNA TERE ISQH MEIN ?? ( COMPLETE)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें