Story continues from next day when khushi gains full consciousness and realizes what exactly happened between her and Arnav ...
Khushi wakes up with a slight headache, she hears a lot of talking in the house , she tries to give a ear to who it could be but her headache is so bad she is unable to pay much attention ... she watches the time and it's still morning , it's almost time to wake up and head to work. "WORK" - Slowly she remembers the encounter with Arnav and a frown appears on her forehead and soon she starts sweating profusely.....will she even be able to go to work ... ?? She gets up and heads to get showered
Maybe that will cool things down in her agitated mind ...She stands under the running water remembering all the mishaps that she had encountered lately ... she washes her face when her hand brush through her lips she remembers his lips rough on hers ... she closes her eyes not wanting to have that unknown feeling get to her , HER FIRST KISS ... she never thought would be forcefull yet something felt different .. she cannot be weak...why did he??? Tears make its way down her cheeks as she slowly sobs at her fate ...
She comes out of the shower angered, she has to stand up for herself and she knows what she needs to do next ... crying is going to take her no where ... she is mad but not at her fate anylonger , all this hatred is for the person who is responsible for her miseary.." Arnav Singh Raizada "
khushi thought : how can he do such an act . He is my boss that it doesn't mean how ever angry he was he should not have taken my first kiss away from me like this .. ( pause) it felt like he took my life out . Why did he do that , after risking my life , after sending me to a place like that where he knew danger resides, what does he think of himself's one thing to punish someone but when it comes to someone's life then it's not a game any longer he needs to know that it becomes personal ..She looks at her wrist which she bandaged after shower again . All of this is because of him .
Her chain of thought gets broken when She hears people leaving the house and heads out to see who buaji is talking to ...??
At Raizada house after an hour :
Arnav gets up shouting khushis name as usual . This time his dream was romantic but broke as she ran away from him before he could lean in and kiss her . It's weird how he only dreams about her these days , she doesn't leave him alone even for a second he thought . ..He gets up from his bed and walks into the bathroom. He comes out getting ready . Anjali steps into his room to inform him that she will leave for shiv mandir during the day ..she has made some preparations and she wants to finish it.
Anjali: chotte me ,mami and Nani are going to Mandir soon . We might be late at night since we have organized some events as well , please don't wait up for us and have your food on time .
Arnav: di I juts hope you are not fasting again ..?
He questions ...
Anjali: please don't worry , all this is just for my chotte And his wishes ... I promise chotte soon your khushi ji will be by your side .. don't give up hope ...
Arnav: you know you don't have to do all this right ?? I don't believe in all this di and please don't starve your self for me ...
Anjali: ok after the pooja I will eat at the mandir I promise ... don't worry everything will be alright ..
She assured him by putting her hand on his cheeks lovingly ...she smiled and leaves .. he shakes his head in disbelief . His di is something else but he loves her ...

आप पढ़ रहे हैं
FanfictionJourney From ASR and Ms Gupta to Mr and Mrs Arnav Singh Raizada . Peek in to find out how . A short story on Arshi based on torcher to marriage and finally love .