Kyun dard hai itna tere isqh mein??Part 13

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Story continues from khushis head ringing with questions ... then she made logic out of the picture and thought about Govind uncles words carefully ...

"Baba loved her ....."

Khushi: past tense Khushi ..past tense ..LOVED her ... not LOVES her

She chants it like a mantra several times in her head closing her eyes  ... 

Khushi :he loves you and only you now.. he is crazy about you ..only you ... ( sigh) he is mine only mine ... not that Sheetals ...not anyone's ... just mine ... ha just mine ....

She held her mangalsutra ( wedding chain) in her hand tightly pinching her eyes close as tight as her hand ... she brushes off the questions popping In her head again  and again and closes the album standing up . As soon as she turned , she saw Arnav standing there rolling his sleeves up. He looked amazing in his white T -shirt and regular night pants .. He stands in front of her as she keeps eyeing him ..

Khushis thought: Sheetal was crazy to have went after money then him ... he is so charming with every move he makes ... such an idiot she was...

She mentally slapped herself and started looking down as she realized by this time he was inches away from her ..

He pulls her chin up ....raises his eyebrow at her and then smiles ...

She is confused for a second and then she opens her mouth to say something ... before she could utter any words he says

Arnav: lets go eat ... then you have plenty of time think and look around .

Khushi: I was just about to wash hands for dinner Arnavji ...

She pretends

Arnav: hmm ...

He looked at her concerned eyes .. she looked down trying to avoid eye contact .. because the way he was looking at her she would definitely make a blunder and ask him about the picture ... she gulped hard trying to form words ...

Khushi : you told Nani right ?

Arnav: hmm ..

He nodded ...

They both enjoyed dinner savoring all that Govind uncle made ..

Arnav: Khushi I wanted to show you something to join me ..

Khushi: yes ...

He forwarded his hand to hold and she obliged...both headed upstairs and then Instead if going into the room he took her a bit further and then makes her go up more stairs to the roof of the house ..

It's beautiful with plants all around blooming flowers.... a simple yet perfect swing set for couples  on the side... it also has swimming pool ...she was amazed. There is sitting area with big wall TV attached to it where you can comfortably sit or recline the seat ...

She loves everything ...

Khushi: yeh kitna sundar hai .( this is so beautiful)

Arnav : look there ...

He indicated towards the sky which was glowing ..

Khushi: wow I did not even realize this Arnavji... this is ...

She couldn't finish when she felt his warm arms wrapping around her waist line as he gives her a hug standing behind her .. she wraps her arms on his and leans more back into him him the warmth back.

KYUN HAI DARD ITNA TERE ISQH MEIN ?? ( COMPLETE)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें