Next day Khushi and Arnav return home . As they enter there is utter silence and everyone is sitting in the family room quietly . Both Khushi and Arnav looked at each other in confusion . Arnav got really worried ...
Arnav: what happened Nani is everything ok?
Nani: Anjali left this morning , Shayam baba was suppose to come home last night but he got held back for some more work, she was sad and left without a word but hasn't came back , we sent Akash after her but he also hasn't returned or found her , we tried calling the phone is switched off . I'm very worried for Anjali betiya .
Arnav: and no one informed me .
Nani: we did not want to disturb you and we know you would have gotten really tensed.
Arnav: of course i will Nani , you know what di means to me . I will go find her .
He felt khushis hand tighten in his and he knows she is gesturing him to be careful and giving him support .
Arnav: Khushi you stay here with Nani . I'll find di and bring her back I promise .
Khushi nodded and Arnav left the house to look for Anjali ..!!
He was rushing through the city here and there looking and calling his insiders to find out if they have seen her. Finally after an hour of searching he got a call from Khushi ..
Arnav: Khushi did di come home ?
His voice was filled with concern.
Khushi: no Arnavji But I called you to tell you to look at the temple, I'm sure you will find her there. If she is sad she usually seeks gods help and My heart says di will surely be at the temple .
Arnav could hear her crackling voice . She loves her as much as he does and these last few days anjali And Khushi have became fond of each other
Arnav : I will please wipe your tears and have faith.
He turned his car quickly driving towards the temple Anjali usually goes to . He reaches the temple and in seconds he was standing in front of Anjali jha. She was sitting near the steps facing the god and wiping in saddness.
Arnav: di
He called slowly not wanting to make her uncomfortable. He sat in front of her wiping her tears .
Anjali: Chote please Hume Akela Chor do ( please leave me alone for sometime. )
Arnav: I will never leave you alone di and you know that very well.
Anjali: Chote please
She said looking upset .
Arnav: I promise I will bring shayam jiju home di please stop crying he will come . He could busy with some work . I'm sure he will be here soon.
Arnavs phone rang and it was Akash this time.
Arnav : hello Akash I found di.
Akash : and I found jiju he was heading home from the airport .
Arnavs face lit up instantly
Arnav: please come to shiv temple ...
Arnav send him the address and sat quietly near his di holding her hands while she only looked at the god . Finally after awhile she spoke .
Anjali: I wanted to tell him that we are pregnant Chote .
Arnav looked at her real quick and happiness spread on his face.
Arnav: oh my god di ... this is the most happiest news . I'm so so so happy for you both..
Akash and shayam heard the news as well and he instantly came and lifted her up the ground circling her in the air . He put her down in happiness .

आप पढ़ रहे हैं
FanfictionJourney From ASR and Ms Gupta to Mr and Mrs Arnav Singh Raizada . Peek in to find out how . A short story on Arshi based on torcher to marriage and finally love .