Chapter 13

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I can recall then, when she would sit with us to eat around the dining table and would smile all to herself without knowing she was doing it. Then she will tell us she was thinking about that man.

I can't be doing the same now. Blake, when did you become a fool? It doesn't matter if she dies! I shouldn't care about her, and everything about her should be away from my mind now! What the fuck?

"Sir, I am... so... sorry." The maid kept shaking, afraid to lose her life. I was sure she must have seen others drift to their deaths by my vampire fireball because of a mistake they made, but I am in a good mood today, so she is safe.

"Get out of here now!" I ordered, and she sped away like the wind while I turned back to my food, hissing and grunting to myself. I hope I never fall in love with her. Not even my mother would welcome any werewolf as my mate. Once I inform her she was a werewolf, mom would never let me accept her, not to talk about my father.

After some minutes, I was done eating and stood up, stretched my body and yelped as I felt fully satisfied.

I dragged the chair back and started to head over to the palace to stay with my dad when three guards ran over to me, breathing heavily like they were being hunted.

"What is it?" I sneered at them as anger rushed in. Why the hell would they run up to me like this?

"We are sorry. Your father wants to see you now!" One of them spoke out in a rush, like he was losing his breath.

"Is that why you're running and panting like a goat?" I scowled, and they shivered, moving back to avoid my punch, which could come at anytime.

"Your mother found something shocking about your mate. Please go and meet them in the palace!" Another stuttered, sucking his breath, and at that moment, I felt my heart flutter as every hair on my body rose in agitation at what they had just said.

The thought of my mate being killed by her pack for saving me had suddenly crossed my heart as what mom found out, the same way she had figured my mate was in pain. That was the reason for the fear that gripped me.

Wasting no second, I dashed to the palace, and on getting there, I saw my father and mother, both on their feet, with Dad moving back and forth, breathing heavily.

"Dad..." I called out, and they both flashed their gaze at me, gritting their teeth.

"What are you waiting for to lure your mate here and get her killed?" Dad seethed immediately as my brows gathered in confusion.

"I have found out through the ring that your mate is a werewolf and also a pack hunter, but not just that, she is a member of the pack that murdered your sister! BLUE MOON PACK! " My mum bawled, and my jaw dropped as I gaped at her in great shock.

"It is our time to get revenge for your sister's death by not just killing her, but also her entire family, who are the hunters using poison arrows." Dad cheered with a bright smile, but I couldn't smile back or feel any glint of happiness. I was just realizing that I wouldn't be able to kill my mate.

The thought of her death alone was giving me chills, and all I had in mind was to protect her instead.

Blake's POV.

I stared at them, swallowing the lumps in my throat continuously, scratching my head and sucking my breath as I couldn't find any words to say. Their eyes, expression, and body reaction all showed how certain they were that I would do as they said- killing my mate.

I had always turned away from love, and not long ago, I told my mother I would kill my mate. But I was bluffing. As they both stared at me with their hatred for the werewolves visible in their countenance, I couldn't help the thudding of my heart, which had gone erratic.

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